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Recipes with Spaghetti

Mains Groftkværnet black pepper Dijon mustard Salt ...

The meat is stirred with the other ingredients and shaped to/beefburgers. FRY in oil 3-4 min. on each side until through fried. The spaghetti cooked according to instructions on package. Gorgonzolaen and break into pieces and sprinkled over. The stick is

Mains Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Cook the pasta according to instructions on package. The onion and garlic finely chopped, mushrooms, then cut into slices and tomatoes cut in small cubes. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and saute the kødsovsen to them under stirring. Let it all si

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Boil the spaghetti and let the water run off. Cut it into small pieces. Mix it with the mashed tuna, they together beaten eggs and cream. Roughly chopped green pepper chopped parsley and came in together with sliced button mushrooms. Flavor it with salt, peppe

Mains White cabbage Spaghetti Water ...

Set the meat over in the water and bring slowly to a boil. Cream soup, add 2 teaspoons salt and let it boil with lid until tender in approx. 1 ½-2 hours. Porrene cleaned and cut into cubes, carrots and celery and cut into cubes and skælles white cabbage cho

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

The onions peeled and chopped and Brown in margarine together with the meat. Make sure that the meat will be browned properly so it is finely ground. Add the tomato puree, salt and pepper as well as 7 ½ dl water. Put a lid on the Pan and cook the sauce for abo

Mains Pepper Eggs Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

The breadcrumbs soaked in milk. The meat is stirred with bread crumbs, egg, onion and salt. The meat is shaped into patties, as Brown on the forehead in the margarine. Chop the onion, and mushrooms, then cut into slices. The garlic is squeezed. Onion, ga

Salads Dill Pepper Salt ...

Cook and cool spaghetti and cut it into smaller pieces. Slice the cucumber and lettuce into strips. Accessories: mix the ingredients for the dressing and mix spaghetti, cucumber and lettuce with dressing. Decoration: Sprinkle shrimp over and farner with dill.

Salads Freshly ground pepper Salt Capers ...

Scald the tomatoes and remove the skins and cores taken, cut them into quarters. Mix them with the crushed garlic and basil leaves, olive oil, chopped anchovies, cheese chunks and swabbed, capers, slat and pepper. Let ingrediensene pull in a few hours. Knock d