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Recipes with Rome

Desserts (warm) Rome Grated peel from one orange (lemon can be used) Bananas ...

Bananas, peeled, cut in half and cut into 3 slices on the long part. The butter is melted in a pan along with sugar, so it gets the caramel consistency. Bananas are met on his forehead along with nuts and orange peel. Pour the rum over and set fire to it.

Desserts (cold) Vanilla sugar Banana liqueur Chocolate (dark) ...

Bananas steamed lightly for about 10 min. in syrup with ROM. cool in sheeting. Served in a deep serving bowl, garnish with coarsely grated chocolate and the cream, candied violets.

Desserts (cold) Rome Whipped cream Sugar ...

Set the gelatine soaked in water. Whip the cream. Stir the gelatine Melt and dilute the sugar in. it with rom. Add gelatine to the cream. Pour rombuddingen up in a glass bowl. Tips: Served with strawberry sauce.

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Oil for deep frying Rome ...

The apples should be peeled off, and since the apples must end up as rings, one must get the seed cell out, there is a small nifty little "instrument" that is designed for this kind of tasks, and the apples cut into slices and be marinated in rum. Mix flour, s

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Rome Butter ...

Remove the apples from the carpels. Stir in sugar, almonds, raisins and rum together and fill it in the apples. Style them in the gennemfugtede roaster. Pour the white wine or cream by. FRY apples at 250 degrees for 35-45 minutes. Eat the apples warm or lukewa

Desserts (warm) Egg whites Deep frozen puff pastry or homemade dough of wheat flour 100 g. Lemon ...

Peel the apples, remove the core and cut them into slices. Mix them with lemon juice, sugar, cinnamon, ginger, black currant jam and raisins that have pulled in ROM. Put this in the gennemfugtede roaster. It may want to. Fores with puff pastry before the fruit

Desserts (warm) Rome Butter Raisins ...

Got rice and milk in the gennemfugtede roaster. Cook it at 170 degrees for about ½ hour. Add sugar, raisins, Quark and vanilla sugar, there are touched together. Mix the thin Apple slices of pudding by 200 degrees for. bake about 1 hour. The apples should have

Desserts (patisserie) Rome Bicarbonate of soda Marzipan macaroon bottom ...

Husblasen Romfromage: Soak in cold water. Beat the egg yolks and sugar, thick and foamy. Stir in half of the rums in. husblasen Grinding free of water and melt it over a water bath or in the microwave. Stir in the rest of the ROM in husblasen, so it will be ha