Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Rod vanilla

Drinks (warm) Cinnamon stick (about 7 ½ cm) Rod vanilla Vodka (750 ml) ...

pour the honey and water in a saucepan and heat slowly until the honey is dissolved. Add the cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, and lemon and orange peels. Let it boil for 5 minutes. Deck box, take the role of the fire and let it pull in an hour. SI it and pour it

Desserts (cold) Rod vanilla Icing sugar Vodka ...

Halve the strawberries and let them marinate in orange juice and vodka, for at least 2 hours. Whip piskefløden. Beat the egg yolks, powdered sugar and vanilla diocese and turn the whipped cream in it. Server strawberries in soup bowls with the cream on top of

Desserts (cold) Red decorative gel in tube Red and green cocktail cherries Sugar ...

Skimmed milk is brought to the boil in a thick-bottomed saucepan, grains of vanillestangen scraped out and place in the pan together with the rod. The washed, drained, round grain milled added. Mix well into the Pan, for the skimmed milk has come to a boil.

Desserts (cold) Lingonberry jam Salt Rod vanilla ...

Cook the rice for løskogte rice with water, salt and vanilla. Let the rice pull with water in 12 minutes, boil up, put a lid on, turn down the heat and cook for 12 minutes. Let the rice pulling another 12 minutes under the lid. Then remove the lid and let them

Desserts (cold) Egg yolk Egg white Corn starch ...

Knead all the ingredients-except the chocolate-to the bottom together. Press the dough out into a springform lined with baking paper and bake the cake at 180 ° for about 20 minutes, until it is golden brown on top. Cool the flask bottom and loosen the cake, th

Cookies Salt Rod vanilla Baking soda ...

Beat sugar, eggs and vanilla into a thick mass. Term wheat flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt together. The mixture add mass. Add almonds and raisins. The finished dough filled into an icing bag and the dough is distributed in long strips. Bake at 150 degre

Cookies Slightly crushed anise A little grated lemon peel Baking soda ...

Mix flour, sugar, vanilla, possibly. citrus peel, anise and baking soda. Re-assemble it with eggs and knead the dough for 2-3 Tril in tonsils. cm wide sausages and set on wax paper. Brush with the beaten egg and bake them at 180 ° in 15-20 minutes. Cut them ou

Cakes in form Sveskemos of ca. 500 g prunes Rod vanilla Wheat flour ...

Flour and half of the butter, water and rum mixed to a smooth mass. Let the dough rest cold ½ hour. Then roll it out and put the rest of the butter in thin slices (use possibly a cheese slicer to cut the butter out with). Fold the dough together and roll it ou