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Recipes with Rice

Mains Parsley, fresh Salt Cayenne pepper ...

Melt the butter in a frying pan over medium heat. Add finely chopped onions, pressed garlic, saffron, turmeric, cumin, coriander, paprika, and cayenne pepper and saute for about 10 minutes for the onions are tender. Add kylligelårene, lemon juice, water, ap

Mains Pepper Green pepper Paprika ...

Each tenderloin cut into 3-4 cm. pieces and Brown. Onions and peppers cut into strips and tomatoes in both. Onions, peppers, tomatoes, sour cream and spices are added and the lid is on and simmer for about 20 minutes. Served with loose rice.

Mains Olive oil Pepper Rice ...

Chop the parsley and the onion finely, mix it together with the meat the oil and spices. Form them as cigar look like sausages and fry them in a pan like meatballs. Take the tomatoes and share them in half and put them in the pan for a few minutes until they a

Mains Spices as needed Margarine for frying Peeled tomatoes ...

The rice is cooked and put in baking dish. The meat is cut into cubes and Brown together with onion, white onion and spices. The peeled tomatoes are added, and the gravy some gruel is in approx. 10 minutes. Stir in the cream and then distributed the gravy over

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley ...

Put 1 kg. meat in a bowl. Chop the onions and put them down in the flesh. Chop the parsley and also put it in the bowl with the meat and onions. Com 1 can tomato paste in and half of the olive oil. Wash the rice thoroughly before you put them in the bowl. Mix

Mains Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

Cabbage: Boil water with a little salt in the cabbage, Rinse and remove. kålstokken. Put kålhovedet in the boiling water and remove the leaves up one by one, as they become soft enough that they can be folded about forcemeat. Father: Boil the rice al dente.

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken out, salt it and set it in the oven until it is ready to eat. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Fry them in oil covering them. Be taken up and sprinkled with a little salt. Boil the tonsils 10-15 min. Let them cool off and the sk

Mains Green bell pepper Yellow bell pepper Garlic ...

Chop the onions finely and fry them Golden in oil. Add the peanut butter. Share the chicken into smaller pieces, and put them in a pan with onions and peanut butter. Add the tomato puree, chili and peppers diced, crushed garlic and salt. Let them cook for 1