Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Rice

Mains Pepper Salt White pepper ...

Savoykålbladene (or Chinese cabbage leaves) give a rehash in lightly salted water, refrigerate them and put them on top of the salmon slices. Low fiskefileten fiskefarsen by cutting into smaller pieces, and cut the onion into quarters. Blend fish and onion bri

Mains Sprinkle of 0.5 fish bouillonterning Pepper Salt ...

Golden rice: Boil the rice with turmeric in water. Cut the peppers into cubes and cut the pineapple slices into smaller pieces. Mix the cooked rice with pineapple and peppers. Dressing: Pressure hvisdløget through a Hvisløgspresser, and mix it with the othe

Soups Salt Eggs Paprika like Turkish ...

Yogurt, eggs and salt whipped together and warmed slowly up to the boil, stirring continuously. Pour in hot broth and washed rice. Cook over low heat for the rice is tender, about 20 minutes. Mint is added, it is blended well and after a moment, take the soup

Mains Barbecue spice Iceberg lettuce Oil ...

The chicken in the cutting, lubricated with oil and seasoned. FRY in oven 45-60 minutes at 200 degrees c. Add the rice to be over so they are done when the chicken is. Salad: Cut iceberg lettuce finely and mix it with pineapple chunks and juice as needed

Mains Pepper Salt Allspice, ground ...

Sauté the chopped onion and garlic in oil until onions are clear, but only lightly golden. Add the minced meat and stir until the meat has shared it. Add the rice (raw) and spices and mix everything well. Pour the broth and tomatoes into the Pan and cove

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Bouillon cube Mushroom, glass ...

Bacon and mushroom roasted in a pan and put up. Pork Sauté in pan and stir together with tomato puree, then add bacon, mushroom boullionterningen, water and cream. It all needs to simmer on a low heat (since it can easily burn on) approx. 1 hour. The

Mains Madkulør Paprika Pepper ...

Pig de-fat and cut into 2-3 cm. slices and sauté in the pan with salt, pepper and paprika. Put in a large pot. Onions, mushrooms, sausages and bacon Sauté and poured together with. Sauce: make Brittany gravy as on package, in another saucepan and pour t

Mains Some sprig of fresh oregano Pepper Salt ...

'S paralyzed both exterior and Interior. Dry it with a paper towel. Rub the inside with salt and then rub the salt and lemon juice on the outer surface of the lamb. Warm butter up in a large pan and fry the heart and kidneys, until they are lightly golden. Add