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Recipes with Rice

Appetizers Vinegar Pepper Salt ...

2 bags of rice cooked and place in 2 oven dishes. Above pour 1 ds. Asparagus + wetness. Lobster tails toasting in Curry and butter and place over aspargesen. The egg whites beaten stiff. 200 g mayonnaise stirred with 1 tsp. mustard and a little vinegar and mix

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Mix ground beef well with rice. Add salt, pepper, Vegeta and a little water. Take one of the leaves of the way safely, fill it and scroll together. Close the way safely into the pages. Click here to see how, (slow/fast) connection. Heat a little oil in a pan a

Soups Fat Various root vegetables URf.eks. carrots – parsnip-celeriac Pepper ...

Lamb meat cooked and cut into cubes, on which the FRY in fat, taking care to add root vegetables. Then add the soup from the lamb meat and rice. After boiling, add salt, pepper and chopped parsley, and the soup with cream and egg yolk legeres.

Lunch 1 clove of garlic Blue poppy seeds for garnish Pepper ...

Thaw puff pastry lightly up and roll each plate a little out, so it will be some cm. larger. Line a baking sheet with wax paper. Free the peberfrugten of cores and chop it into small cubes. Rinse and chop the cfire. Crumble the feta. Mix the feta, pepper, dill

Mains Finely shredded top of scallion Pepper Rice ...

Share squash slices into quarters. Inserts broccolien into small florets, and the stick into thin slices. Cut the spring onions into 2 cm oblique pieces. Let the butter be browned in a Saute pan. Brown the meat for about 2 minutes. Add the mornay sauce, milk a

Mains Jævning Pepper Rice ...

Peel and chop the onions, slice the sausages into pieces approx. 2 cm. melt the margarine in a saucepan and add the onion and sausages let this Cook for 2-5 minutes stirring constantly so it doesn't burn fast. Add the tomato pureen advantage this evenly whi

Mains Ginger, crushed Apples Acacia honey ...

Tenderloin, cleaned and cut into steaks at 2-3 cm that plumped out. The Brown in olive oil and place in a serving dish. Brown onion and garlic lightly. Pepper Apple and tomatoes are added and it all some gruel is ca. 5 minutes. Add the broth and season w

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream An outline: 1 serving Grated chocolate or crushed nougat ...

In a tart ring placed macaroon bottom, lubricated with a layer of pickled cherries. Then be half of the already cooked and cooled rice, which only just must be cooked until tender, not indkogt to a fixed rice pudding. To that end, spread a layer of custard and