Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Rhubarb

Pickling Atamon Lemon peel She-kvaner ...

Kvaner and rhubarb are washed and cut into approximately 1 cm. size, mixed with sugar and lemon zest in the Pan you have to cook for, made on ice for about 12 hours. Cooked on low heat approximately 1 1/2-2 hours. Atamon came in just before it is poured into j

Cakes in form Sugar Oatmeal, finvalsede Butter ...

Rhubarb cut into fine slices. Place in greased baking dish. Sugar sprinkled over. Oatmeal, butter and brown sugar mix to smulderdej sprinkled over rhubarb. Bake at 225 degrees c. alm. oven for about 20 minutes.

Bread, buns & biscuits Apples tossed with cinnamon and sugar Blueberry There is free choice on all shelves try yourself forward ...

Sugar, marzipan and 250 g margarine stirred together. The rest of the fat is stirred in. Eggs in one at a time. Flour and baking powder in simultaneously, and the dough is stirred further in 2 minutes the finished dough in papirsforme and decorating with the s