Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Red bell pepper

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

The chicken: Sprinkle in the wok pot, so they are just cooked with salt, pepper and peppers, you should not save it. When done, take it up so it does not get too dry. Vegetables: You brush the vegetables. (I prefer that they are cut a little rough, but do

Mains Becel for frying Marizena thickens Pabrika ...

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees. Chop onion and one fat garlic and put it in a pot of becel. Camping nuts are washed and cut into quarters and placed in the soil. The carrots are peeled and the peppers are washed with mini corn and chopped into small pieces

Mains (spinach and Leek can be added) Basil, fresh Red chili pepper ...

The chicken fillets, onions and bacon are individually spun and poured into an ovenproof dish. Peppercorns are cut into coarse tern, cherry tomatoes and mushrooms are halved and served in the dish. Chili and garlic are cut well and come over. (The order of ing

Mains Chilli, crushed Pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat into big tern and marinate it in soy sauce, just pour it all covered. It's easy to do in the ground the meat came in. While pulling, chop mushrooms, onion and pepper in rough pieces. Chop the garlic nicely. Pour a little butter / oil into th

Mains Jævning Salt Curry ...

Chop onions, potatoes, and peppers. Stir the onion in fat for approx. 1 min. Then add the meat until it is cooked, add curry, peppers and salt. Then add the peppers and potatoes, raise it for approx. 5 min. Put chopped tomatoes, tomato sauce, stir in and leav

Salads Honey White balsamic Iceburg lettuce head ...

Clean and cut ingredients in appropriate pieces. Mix the dressing and pour over. tips: Remember the twigs are very salty. Do not use any other salt.

Mains Oil Oregano, dried Paprika ...

Set the oven to 200 degrees C. alm. oven. Put the thinned chicken overlays in a greased dish. Brush them with oil and spice with peppers, salt and pepper. Put the chicken overalls in the oven for 15 minutes. During the wait the pasta is boiled, the pepp

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Salt Cayenne pepper ...

Mix the ingredients of marinade. Cut the chicken meat into small pieces and put them in a plastic bag together with marinade. Let the meat marinate for 30-60 minutes and then put it on the griddle. Cut the vegetables into suitable pieces and put them on the gr