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Recipes with Red bell pepper

Salads Handful of peanuts Cucumber Red bell pepper ...

Cut salad, carrots, pepper, cucumber and onions. Mix it in a bowl, take your peanuts and put in. Now add condimento bianco and olive oil. Mix it together and sprinkle the basil in addition. Mix together and put in the refrigerator until it is to be severed

Mains Bulgur salad Pepper Salt ...

DELLER: Pepper, spring onion, and ckille chopped and stirred together with beef, eggs and flour. The garlic is peeled and squeezed in the farmer. The feta is crumbled in the dad (not too fine there may be little chunks). Finally add salt and pepper to taste.

Various Basil Yellow bell pepper Red bell pepper ...

The peppers are cleaned and blended with the rest of the ingredients together with approx. 1 dl of salt. Then add the rest of the salt, mix well and put to dry in a hot air oven at 50 degrees or out in the sun until it is completely dry. Pour on airtight packa

Mains Lemon juice Oil Pepper ...

Boil the rice Place the files in an ovenproof dish with lemon juice and crisp pepper and salt. In the oven at 190 gr. For approx. 20 min. Divide the peppers into small tern and saute for 5 minutes. Add the boiled rice and spinach for another 2 minutes. Sh

Mains Pepper Salt Red bell pepper ...

Start cutting the chicken fillets into suitable pieces (about 2x2 cm). Then chop INCL kernels fine. Use 2-3 chili depending on how strong they are, at times I use 4, but you are not fond of strong food, so chill 2-3 chili. Cut onions and peppers roughly. Se

Lunch A bit of turmeric to give the color Pepper Salt ...

Stir chicken inder fillets on the forehead and let them cool a little. Cut the chicken into fine tern. Also cut all the vegetables well out of the corn corn. In a seperate dish mix Mayonnaise, Cream fraiche, HP Sauce and Spices. Mix it well and taste it. Mix i

Soups Corn starch for jævning (may be omitted) Cayenne pepper Red bell pepper ...

Cut chicken into such fine and short strips and let them stew at the bottom of a saucepan with a little oil. The chicken may have a light frying pan. Add the bacon and simmer for a couple of minutes to give more flavor. Add water and broth cakes. Cut a cross

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cube, chicken ...

Boil the chicken fillets for 20 minutes. Let them cool. Tug them with a fork. Mince the carrots in thin slices. Chop both onions in small tern. Peel the peppers for approx. 1 cm .size 1 cm. Big tern. Stew onions and carrots to the onions are light golden. T