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Recipes with Red bell pepper

Salads Pepper Salt Balsam vinegar ...

Rinse the salads and cut them into smaller pieces. Mix all three kinds of salad. Rinse the peppers and cut them into small cubes. Pile chop and chop onion and basil fine. Bowl of pepper, onions and basil in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper and pour the v

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Olive oil, crushed garlic, lemon juice and finely chopped herbs are mixed and poured over the fish (must be mined for 20 minutes in a refrigerator). Pepper, mushroom and squash are rinsed and cut into coarse tern and sautéed in butter and seasoned with salt

Lunch Cayenne pepper Frying oil Olive oil ...

Salmon in the bowl: Cut the salmon in a 2x2 cm pie. Sieve flour, baking soda and cayenne pepper into a bowl and mix bowl seed. Add salt and stir the egg. Add the beer while stirring and stir until the dough is uniform with consistency like a slightly thick pan

Mains Potatoes Pepper Salt ...

The salmon is divided into two. Place a piece of 700 g in a greased, oven-proof dish with the skinside downwards. The rest of the fresh salmon is chopped with a knife and mixed with herbs, salt and pepper. The fathers are spread on the fillet in a smooth layer

Mains Tarragon Crab meat Salmon fillet ...

An onion is chopped finely and sautéed in a pan of oil with chopped peppers, chopped parsley and estragon. Rasp and crab meat add and turn well together. The peas are distributed between the 2 salmon fillets and put in a greased refractory dish. Come fishin

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon in thin both ...

Remove the legs from the salmon fillet, if necessary. Using a small flat pliers. Cut the fillet clean for bone residue, cover it with film and place it in the freezer for 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Grab the peppers into the stanol roll, put them in a refractory dish and

Mains Salt Chili mild, encountered Garlic ...

The oven is preheated to 180 degrees C. Alm. oven. Coarsely chopped peppers, chopped coriander, cumin, chilli powder, crushed garlic, white wine vinegar and salt mixed in a bowl. The salmon is placed in a frying pan on a piece of silver foil that is big

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Cut the salmon into thick strips, warm the oil on a thickened forehead, put the salmon strips and stir them with even heat until golden. Take the salmon strips of the forehead and drop them on a kitchen roll. Bring scrambled peppers, peas and veins in qua