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Recipes with Rabbit

Mains Pepper Red currant juice Salt ...

The rabbit is browned and poured gently with the ready-made sauce. Stepped for quite weak heat and tight closing for approx. 11/2 hours. Reversed when half the cooking time has elapsed. Served with white and browned potatoes, as well as red cabbage and cranber

Mains Wheat flour Parsley Rabbit ...

The rabbit is divided into suitable pieces. Sprinkle with parsley. The pieces of meat are brined quickly in margarine. The spices and water or soup are poured at. The meat roast softly under low approx. 45 minutes. Appointed on a hot dish. The cloud is boil

Mains Pepper Red currant juice/jelly Salt ...

The rabbit is browned and poured with the finished sauce and fried too much lightly for about 1.5 - 2 hours. Picked up and organized. The sauce may optionally be sprayed to an appropriate thickness. Served with brown and white potatoes.

Salads Pepper 1/2 juice of lemon Salt ...

The rabbit is boiled in salted water, add a little basil. Cut the vegetables into small pieces and mix them in a salad bowl with the uncluttered rabbit. Mix the dressing and pour it over the salad.

Mains Chopped parsley/Rosemary White pepper Salt ...

The front and hind legs are cut by the rabbit, the back is divided into four, and the meat is placed in a large bowl. Add vinegar and water until it covers and allow the meat to pull for an hour before rinse it and dry it dry in a clean dish. Step bacon rin

Mains French bread A little flour Pepper ...

The rabbit is made and divided into small pieces, shaken in a saucepan, in a pan with onion and mustard onion, sprinkle flour and let it brown for a moment. Sprinkle with white wine and water add the flaked tomato, salt, pepper and the small boil softly under

Mains Pepper Salt Rabbit ...

Rabbit browns in the usual way. Add the spiced tomatoes or tomato puree to spices. Smokes about 1 hour, leveled and served with rice or pasta.

Mains Onion Rosemary Rabbit ...

The rabbit is wiped and placed in the marinade for a day. It is then taken up and cooked in an oven at 200 degrees for approx. 35 minutes. The marinade is boiled and poured over the finished pieces of meat.