Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Salads Pepper Salt Head lettuce ...

Rinse and peel the asparagus. Cut the piece of wood. Cut both types of asparagus into 3 cm long pieces. Bring 1½L of water with 1 teaspoon of salt, sugar and butter in a pan and let it boil. Bring the white asparagus and boil them approx. 15 min. The last 5 mi

Salads Pepper Salt Crushed garlic ...

First stir the dressing together. Then cut the cucumber into spells and put them in. The salad is suitable as an appetizer or accessories for meat dishes. Can also be used as salad.

Salads Miraclewhip Paprika Pepper ...

Boil the pasta. Cut the iceberg salad into fine strips. Cut the onions in small pieces. Chop the dill and put it in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Mix the dressing together in a small bowl and turn it into the salad. Serve with thin flutes.

Salads Pepper Salt Hazelnut oil or walnut oil ...

Roses and currants are poured over boiling water and drained for 6 hours. Blend rucola with pine nuts and parmesan cheese. Add oil and taste the pesto. Mix the still pale pasta with a few spoons of pesto as well as raisins, currants and roasted pine nuts.

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

The pasta is boiled al dente, drained and cooled. Mayonnaise and lemon juice mix together and mix the cooled pasta with a little dressing. Pour the pasta into a bowl and mix with tomato, beans, olives and tuna. Season with salt and pepper. Then pour the rem

Salads Pepper Salt Carrot fintreven ...

Pasta boils al dente. In a saucepan, the beans are cooked more, approx. 3-5 min. Pasta and beans rinse under running cold water. Drip and cool completely. The remaining ingredients are mixed in a bowl. The dressing is stirred together and poured over the sa

Salads Oregano Pepper Salt ...

The pasta is boiled by specification and just before it is ready, the frozen corn can be thrown into the water to dry. The pasta is poured with enough water to cool completely (or cools separately). Cut the cucumber, tomatoes, peppers and onions in tern and

Salads Pepper Cucumber in triangles Lemon juice ...

Among the marinade. Cook the pasta for about 10 minutes. Pour the paste to drain in a sieve. Turn the hot pasta into the marinade and place it covered in the refrigerator for at least one hour. When serving, mix the pasta with the rest of the ingredients in a