Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Cooked cooled broccoli (use also the stick) ...

1/3 of broccoli is chopped roughly and the remaining 2/3 blended and mixed with the coarsely chopped broccoli. Whip eggs, yoghurt, mayonnaise, flour and milk together and season with salt and pepper. Mix the egg mixture with the broccoli mix and pour it int

Mains Cucumber Flutes Pepper ...

Cut the cucumber into thin slices and mix the slices with 2 tablespoons. Coarse salt and let them draw 30 min. Pour while yogurt natural in a coffee filter and let it drip off for as long. Rinse the salt of cucumbers into a sieve and dip them dry. Bring the dr

Mains Of summer vegetables are asparagus green cabbage ‑ ‑ ‑ Cream Fresh tarragon ...

A bowl is boned and seasoned with freshly squeezed salt, pepper and slightly crushed juniper berries. Brown the meat in a saucepan and finish it in a preheated oven at approx. 200 degrees for approx. 50 min. If the levelometer shows 72 degrees, it will fit wit

Mains A little brown sugar and some butter Pepper Salt ...

ravioli: Lay the flour in a bowl on the kitchen table and make a recess in the middle. Turn the eggs and egg yolks out into the groin one at a time and whip them a little with a fork for 1-2 minutes. Bring some of the flour into the egg yolks and knead it gra

Mains Bornholmsk canola oil Onion carrots miscellaneous herbs from the garden New Bornholm potatoes ...

Brush the saucepan with oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place directly on the grid or in a roasting pan on the grid directly over the pan with the prepared broth. The lid is laid over and the air supply is opened. Stays 1 1/2 to 2 hours, depending on

Mains Freshly ground pepper Corn flour Oil for frying ...

The cucumber is cut into thin slices and sprinkled with salt. Pulling 20 min. And twisted. Vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper are whipped together and put the cucumber slices. The fillet is polished to the ends and cut into 4 equal pieces. Set to the top and pres

Cold cuts Pepper Rosemary Salt ...

The meat is shaken on the forehead in a little oil and run twice through the meat chopper. Rosemary, thyme, peeled garlic and mustard onion are sautéed on the same pan and then run through the meatbaker. The pan is boiled by the electricity fund. wine. Stir to

Mains Oregano Paprika Pepper ...

Put the rice over and boil as directed. The fathers are shaped into 4 large and thin steaks. On 2 of the steaks, place 1 slice of cheese and tomato slices and sprinkle with oregano. Lay the 2 other steaks over and close well with your fingers. Be careful