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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Mix the chopped meat with egg, flour, onion, milk, salt and pepper to a linden porridge. Boil 16 sprouts of cauliflower in lather salted water for approx. 10 min. Form the dad to frikadeller with a tablespoon and put a sprout in the middle of the dad. Place th

Mains Pepper Salt Sauce thickens ...

Divide the chopped meat into four. Put a piece of meat at a time on a piece of film or stanniol. Wrap it out in a square of 12 x 12 cm. Put half a slice of ham, a little fried cheese and sage on half of each square. Fold the meat over so that the daddy pack

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken broth ...

Bouillons boil up. The flour is poured in and boiled with stirring once. It is then boiled on very low heat for approx. 30 min. When the polenta has finished cooking, squeeze it into four small savory ingredients and keep it cold. The meat is sautéed in

Mains Eggs Onion Pepper ...

Stir the meat with salt and pepper, stir grated onion, and oatmeal and add the milk a little at a time. Let the father rest for 15-30 minutes in the refrigerator. Fry the dishes with one hand and a large tablespoon and raise them for approx. 2 minutes on bo

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Stir the meat to a father and form to 4 creinets. Inverted rasp and possibly. sesame seeds. Brunes with good heat on both sides, then complete with mild heat for about 4 minutes. on every side. Accessories: Pilled potatoes and butter sauce

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Fathers, eggs, salt, pepper and wheat flour are stirred together. Set cold for approx. 10 min. The potatoes are left to boil. The prepared onions are given a short stir-frying together with the broth and taken up. Flour and margarine baked and spread wit

Salads Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

The tamarillos are cut into small pieces, the avocados are freed for peel and stone and cut into both cucumbers cut into the tern. All the ingredients for the dressing are mixed and cooked to taste. Take care of the chili, that's not a big deal. In a flat serv

Sides Pepper Juice of lemon 1/2 Salt ...

Garlic and chopsticks chopped nicely, the ham chopped roughly. Clean the mushrooms and cut the logs. Chop the sticks fine and steam them in butter. Pour chopsticks and garlic at. Add the rasp, salt and fry the chicken pepper and add the chopped ham. Bake the b