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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Garnish Oil Olive oil ...

sauce: Add the tomato juice to ½ liter, add to celery salt, Worchester sauce and Tabasco. Finally add a cold stick butter (fitted). Guinea fowl: The parsley is chopped with garlic and seasoned with salt and pepper. The meat is reversed and fried in half b

Sides A little butter Pepper Salt ...

Cauliflower cut into small pieces for a few minutes, stirring in a saucepan with a little butter without taking color. Then pour 1 dl of milk into the pan and the cauliflower is boiled completely tender under the lid. After the mass has been a blend, rub it

Mains Pepper Marjoram Peeled tomatoes ...

Mushrooms are cleansed and cut into blocks, onion pills and cut in blocks, bell peel cut into thin cuts. Mushrooms are put in the pan with heat on heated by medium heat until they start to release moisture. The lid is removed for most of the moisture is gone.

Mains A residual steamed plaice fillets, 4-6 pieces Pepper Salt ...

The dough is rolled out to fit in a pie shape of approx. 22 cm. Squeeze the dough well and cut the edges with a small bowl so that the dough does not fall into the mold during the battering. Leave the dough to rest for 15 minutes otherwise creep it, and cook f

Cakes Icing sugar Yeast Flour ...

Mix all the ingredients of the dough. The dough should raise ½ hour. Form 20 buns of dough. The dough is pressed flat. Parsley, cheese Pepper, salt mix and packed into the dough.

Soups Pepper Salt Chicken broth ...

Clean the mushrooms and chop them in rough pieces. Clean the pores and cut it into thin rings. Saute the mushrooms in the oil and add the white portion of the pork and let it sauté with. Add the peppers and pour the chicken bouillon on and simmer for ½ hour. S

Mains Hvidløgsalt Pepper Salt ...

Bacons cut into broad strips and light stews on the forehead with chopped onions and pepper strips, maybe with a little butter. Whole eggs are whipped with water and spices and poured over the fried bacon. Omelette bake for even heat. Stitch in the egg yolks o

Mains Chopped fresh oregano Pepper Salt ...

Cut leeks or onions nicely and pour the tuna from the tuna. Whip egg and milk or water together in a bowl. Cut feta into small tern and add them. Heat a large frying pan with olive oil and season the pork slices for a couple of minutes. Crumble the tuna and