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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Garlic Oil Paprika ...

Roast duck breast: Spice on the skinside with salt / pepper. Stiff at high heat with skinside first approx. 8 min. Turn around and fry approx. 6 min. Put in stanniol while preparing the sauce. Vindruesauce: Half-grained sweet grapes are cooked in the eggf

Mains Meljævning Oil Pepper ...

Sweat the onion rings, the cloves of garlic and the meat in the grease in a saucepan. Season with salt and pepper, add thyme. Add white wine or apple cheese and broth gradually with stirring. Let the dish boil under the lid for 45-60 minutes. Wash the potat

Appetizers Pepper Salt White wine. dry ...

The cream is boiled with white wine and lemon juice, smoothed with maizena (which is stirred in cold water). Season with salt and pepper. Shrimp and asparagus nuts are turned into the sauce. Dild chop fine and turn in like the last one. The party tartlet

Salads Pepper Salt Hvidkåls main ...

Rinse the cabbage and cut it paper-thin. Cut the tomatoes in both and mushrooms in slices. Mix the salad. Whip all the portions of marinade together and taste good. It must be well spiced. Pour marinade over the salad and mix well. Let it drag at least 10 minu

Mains Pepper Salt Alm. flute ...

Chicken: Pour a can of peeled tomatoes over the chicken, spice it. Put it in a preheated oven of 200 degrees. When the chicken has stood for 40 min pour the other flattened tomato canned over. Then put the chicken back until the meat easily falls off the legs

Mains Pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

Cut off if necessary. Obstacles and tendons from the flesh. Wipe it with a kitchen roll and cut it into small cubes (4x4 cm). Sprinkle the meat with flour and mix with salt and pepper. Cut smoked bacon into smaller cubes. Stir the bacon cubes in its own fat

Sides Pepper Salt Parsley, fresh ...

The garlic is packed in aluminum foil and baked in the oven for about 40 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius. oven. The top is cut by the cloves and the food is squeezed out of the amount of fat you want to taste the root crop. The roots are peeled, cut roughly

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Tempero: First cut the garlic and spring onions nicely and blend it with salt to a steady amount. Cut bacon and sausages into thin slices. Heat 1 tbsp. Butter and 1 tbsp. Temper on a pan and bacon and sausage slices until golden. Add beans, bay leaves an