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Recipes with Pepper

Mains A little water Oil Pepper ...

Load 200 grams of white beans in soft approx. 12 hours, boil them soak in lightly salted water. An animal yarn of 1.5 - 2 kg. Season with freshly salted salt and pepper, brush with oil. Remember to remove the 2 small sirloin under the back. Grilles for appr

Mains Madkulør Pepper Salt ...

Separate the small sirloin from which sits on the underside of the back and store them for later use. Repel the back for obstacles and tendons and rub it with salt, pencil and crushed juniper. Put the slices of butter on the meat. Make a stuffed sauce of butte

Mains Pepper Salt Onions in slices ...

Sauter onions in olive oil 5 min. By steady heat. Add the cut fennel and potato to thin slices and stir them with regular stirring for approx. 20 min. Till they are tender. Season with salt and pepper. Whip the eggs together and season with salt and pepper. Cu

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Cut the eggplants into 5 slices long, then in long strips and finally in the tern. Let them draw with a little salt for 20 minutes and then wipe off the salt. Shake them on the forehead until they are tender. Remove the pan and add oil. Shake the coarse oni

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Whip the eggs together with a tablespoon of cold water. Dip the chicken liver and clean it for impurities. Cut the slices and cut the mushrooms into smaller pieces. Shake first onions and live on the forehead in a little oil, then the sponges. Take the fill

Mains Pepper Salt Finely chopped bell pepper ...

All vegetables are roasted in oil on a pan. Bring the battered eggs into the mass and form into an omelet. Season with salt and pepper. When serving, fold one half of the omelet over the other. Served if required. With rye bread

Mains Pepper Chives, fresh Rye bread. whole grains ...

Boil the potatoes with peel on. Cut onions in thin slices and pour them golden in the margarine. Whip eggs, milk and spices together in a bowl. Pil the potatoes when they are tender. Cool them a little and cut them into slices. Stir the potato slices for

Cold cuts A little mayonnaise Pepper Salt ...

The mackerel is cleansed for bones, the eggs are boiled and when they are cold they are chopped through the egg yolk both ways to make it small tern. The lid is chopped fine. The mackerel is mashed and mixed with the dry ingredients, it all comes together with