Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Peas

Mains Pepper Salt Red wine ...

Beef Tenderloin rubbed with salt and pepper, Brown on a hot pan, put in the oven, where the fried rosa 25-30 minutes at 250 degrees c. alm. oven. Sauce espagnole boils up, add 1 glass of red wine, gorgonzola and the juice from a rhubarb compote, taste is ta

Mains Peas Beans Small handful black olives ...

Cod roe reversed out in a bowl and moses gently with a fork. ½ Leek, ½ red pepper and olives, chop finely and mix in cod roe. The merger granted herein in accordance with the following, so that mixture forms a solid mass. A dish greased with oil. The rest of t

Soups Lemon juice Coffee cream Corn starch ...

Leek cut into thin slices and FRY in olive oil in a pan. The broth is poured on and boil for 5 minutes, then the cream udrørt with corn starch added. Salad in thin strips, prawns and peas are added. The soup is heated through and season with lemon juice, sa

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Share the cabbage in 1/8 parts from top to root and remove as much of the stalk, then the cabbage just stuck together. Boil the cabbage almost tender in salted water. Drain and add the cream, let it simmer for the cream has texture as a letjævnet sauce. Season

Mains White wine Onion Whole peppercorns ...

Brown the meat in a little olive oil, add a little water and white wine-Laurel leaf-Peppercorn-onion-let it spin for the meat is almost tender-then add the carrots peas garlic throughout the fed and take a spin on to everything is tender. Tips: Served with

Mains Pepper Salt Celery into cubes ...

Put brislerne in cold water 1 hour. Got them in boiling water 2-3 min, rinse them in cold water and rid them of membranes, oars and other impurities. Let fat be golden in trykkogeren. Brown first the entire thymus pieces herein, so that they peeled onions, car

Mains Vinegar Brown sugar Corn starch ...

Brown the beef without the use of fat in a large pan or in a pan, add the bell pepper and onion and sauté it with meat in 3-4 minutes. Add the water and let it all cook up. Mix all ingredients for the sour/sweet sauce together and stir mixture together with

Mains Forårsmint Pepper Salt ...

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Place lamb back in a skillet. Season with salt and pepper and indsmør back in 50 g of butter. Increased in 30 min. and reduce heat to 18 degrees and FRY wides in ca. 40 min. Meanwhile, cut top and tail the beans. Scrape the a