Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Salt Tomato puree Onion ...

Boil the potatoes with peel, pellet, cool and cut into slices. While the potatoes boil are arranged loose. It is chopped and sliced ​​in a saucepan. Tomato puree, milk and spices are added. Sausage and potato slices come by. Chives are rinsed, cut over the dis

Soups Broth similar to 1 ½ litre fluid A little oil Spaghetti or macaroni into small pieces ...

Chop 2 onions and cut 5-6 sausages in small pieces. Bring it all lightly into a little oil in a saucepan. Add 2 liters of water plus broth corresponding to 1½ liter of liquid. Sprinkle spaghetti or macaroni into small pieces and pour it into the pan. Cook the

Mains Apples Onion Medisterpølse ...

Cut some apples in both (remember to remove kernels etc.) and also cut some onions in both. Mix it with salt, pepper and thyme and put it in a greased dish. Put a piece of raw medisin sauce upstairs (just remember to dump some holes on it with a fork). Pour

Mains Pepper Salt Sage ...

The chin is cut into four rows: Inner thigh - lump - flat and thigh tongue. All roast bran with onion thyme, sage and garlic. Red wine is poured at the steps and boils a little during the last cooking time of the forehead. Steg and the set of accessories ar

Mains Lemon juice Jævning Olive oil ...

The wild boar is rubbed with salt and pepper. The bacon is browned in a saucepan with carrots in tern, chopped onions, bay leaves and peppers for a couple of minutes. Put the saucepan in the pan and brown for another couple of minutes. Wild broth and red

Soups Onion Chives Cream ...

Cut the green from the pears share them and cut them in the ring + looped. Put both pieces in margarine (not brown). Come potato cubes at + salt. Pour the soup and boil for approx. 35 min. By low heat. Pure the soup. Heat the soup up and add cream and milk, ta

Soups Pepper Chives, fresh Salt ...

Pears and onions are cut into thin slices and swirled in the margarine. The vegetables boil with the soup and thyme for approx. 10 minutes. Carrots and peas are added and boiled for 5 minutes. The soup is blended. Let the soup boil in the pan, add the cream

Mains EVS. a little celery Curry Pepper ...

The lenses are rinsed thoroughly and cleaned for impurities. The onions are divided into quarters, carrots cut into slices, celery cut into large cubes. It's all put in a large pot with water just covering it all. Add laurel and add the other spices to taste.