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Recipes with Onion

Sides White wine Bay leaf Onion ...

Ginger, duck or pig fat is heated in a saucepan (remember - the grease must not be browned, only heated). 200 g of onions are cut into cubes and "turned" into the grease, the bulbs must not be browned, but remain bright. Donuts are crushed and added with

Mains Kødsnor Milk Pepper ...

Put the meat in a bowl of garlic and onion in a bowl of egg and grate and pour a little milk by stirring it and season with salt and pepper (it's just like a frikad father). Cook the cauliflower head so that it becomes tender (completely soft so you can pee

Mains Pepper Salt Butter or margarine ...

The onions are cut and spined in butter without taking color. The sauerkraut with sauce is added and still spinning with low heat. In another pot, curry is switched for a moment before the meat is cut into the tern brune. Sprinkle with broth and spices adde

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

A large white bowl head is made. At the end of the stabbing a lid is cut off and with a knife or spoon the head is hollowed out, leaving a shell of approx. 3 cm thickness. In the hollowed-out cabbage head a meatfoot of the above-mentioned ingredients is a

Mains A little oil Add other vegetables like aftertaste Sausages ...

First put the rice over and boil. While boiling cut red pepper and onions in tern / strips Sausages cut into slices. Put oil on a pan and brown onions, sausage slices and curry are added and given a little warmth. Rice, peas, corn and peppers are added.

Mains Green bell pepper Diced tomatoes with Basil Onion ...

Cut the peel and pepper into small pieces and brown them in a saucepan with a little oil. Then cut the sausages into small pieces and add them together with the chopped tomatoes. The pasta is boiled al dente (about 12 min.). Finally, the pasta is mixed with th

Mains Vinegar Hvidkåls main Onion ...

The bacon is cut into small pieces. The loaf is chopped and the cabbage is cut. The bacon pieces are golden in a frying pan with the chopped onion and the cut white cabbage. Vinegar, sugar and soup are added. The cabbage is boiled tenderly by low heat un

Mains Minced parsley A little sugar Meljævning ...

Onion and garlic chopped and carrots cut into thin slices. Onions, garlic and carrots are switched to the oil for approx. 5 minutes. Karry sprinkles over. The potatoes are peeled and cut into cubes. The bell peeler is cut into thin slices. Both parts are ad