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Recipes with Onion

Mains Cream 13% Onion Paprika ...

Heat the oven up to 200 degrees C. alm. oven. Brown the choppies in golden fat for half a minute on each side by warming on a pan and picking them up. Heak and sweat licked in the remaining fat. Sprinkle flour, peppers and a little salt over and let it w

Mains Cognac Paprika Pepper ...

The chops are wiped and seasoned with salt pepper and peppers. The loaf is peeled and chopped well, pepper fruit is free for ribs and grains, and chopped half-grafted. The chops are browned in plenty of butter on both sides and taken aside. The onions

Mains EVS. 1 tsp. sugar A little Basil Pepper grinder ...

Ham, onions, garlic chopped well and put on the forehead, add the finely chopped tomatoes, then grate to thick fathers. Cut a pocket into the chops, sprinkle the dad. Turn in flour and fry in olive oil for 6-7 minutes. on every side. Put the chops in a dish.

Mains Mixed salad EVS. mango chutney Solve rice ...

Pork chops: Sprinkle freshly squeezed peppers on both sides. Brown them min. On each side by good heat. Finishing step by low to even heat approx. 4 min on each side. Sprinkle salt on. Take the cutlets off the forehead, keep them warm. Cut the peppers into

Mains Olive oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Dip the chops with a roll of paper. Season with salt and pepper and brown them in the oil approx. 1 minute on each side. Place the chops in a greased oven dish. Stir the onions with mild heat in a little oil, add curry and stir thoroughly. Add the cider and

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

The onions are peeled and chopped. The carrots are peeled and cut into slices. The sheet celery is rinsed and cut into small pieces. The chops are seasoned with salt and pepper, browned on both sides of the fat in a deep forehead and taken up. Onions, carr

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Season the chops with salt, pepper and paprika and brown them in a saucepan, put the chops in a dish. Chop chopped onion in the same pot and add cream to fraiche. Pour cream, broth and tomato sauce and let it boil. Season with salt and pepper. Pour the s

Mains Flutes, 200 g Salt Parsley ...

Fold the chili, remove the kernels and cut it into very small cubes. Press whitewashed. Stir the ingredients to the grilled sauce together. Brush the sauce on the cutlets. Let them pull in the fridge while the rest is being prepared. Scrub the potatoes. Bo