Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Base recipes Fresh thyme sprig Bay leaf Onion ...

Brown meat, and vildtben together with the cleaned, carved vegetables and thyme in the oven at 250 degrees. Set the ingredients to boil in water on low heat. Foam "soup". Share the onion and burn it black on a dry pan. Put the onion in the pan together with th

Cold cuts Fresh lard Boiled ox tongue Onion ...

Meat, lard and onions chopped through a 4 mm. hulskive, ox tongue cut in small cubes, together with the spices kneaded it well together, then stopped in ca. 50 mm. ox skewed casings. cooking time approx. 1 hour

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes ...

Sauté onion and garlic in a frying pan to set the Curry. Came the frossne shrimp in the Pan and let them cook with the liquid is reduced. Add the chopped tomatoes and coconut milk let small simmer for approximately 10 min. serve with noodles. Tips: very ea

Mains Pepper Salt Cream 9% ...

Fry the bacon in a pan without fat and pour the rendered fat from. Add the pork and let it sear with in 3-4 my. Then came the onion into cubes and mushrooms into slices and let them sear with also in ca. 4 min. Now add the paprika and bouillon and let th

Mains Pepper Eggs Sea salt ...

Forcemeat is stirred with salt. Bell Peppers, onions and garlic and chop into small cleaned fine diced (use possibly blender). Peppers and onions turned into forcemeat. Spices and eggs turned into forcemeat. Flour added to the forcemeat is linked. The grate

Mains Cayenne pepper Pepper Salt ...

Bacon is cut small and FRY well. Herein is complied with onions, spices and peppers. Beef cut into cubes (approx. 2 x 2 cm.) and FRY in margarine. Onion and bacon poured over the meat along with the peeled tomatoes. Some gruel is the pan on a low heat for

Mains Pepper Salt Leash ...

Udben unghanen in the breast and thighs. Use the hull to the boiling chicken stock 1-2 hours, add some herbs!!!. Use for Parsley cream. Lårrullen made: half of the spinach and blanch the parsley that is seasoned with salt and pepper. Tied up and Brown in

Mains Oil Whole white pepper Pork broth ...

Season koteletterne with salt and brown them quickly on a hot pan. Arrow the onions, cut them into thick slices from top to root and saute them in the fat. Share the cabbage into pieces and let Cook 4 -6 4 -5 minutes in salted water. Peel the potatoes, cut