Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Salt Curry ...

Melt the butter and add the karryen. Chop the onions and sauté them with curry butter along with the meat. Add the sliced potatoes and carrots together with 1/2 litres of water, season with salt and pepper. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Break spaghetti

Soups Minced parsley Water Carrot ...

Chop the onion and sauté it lightly and kantarellerne in the butter. Then add the water, broth, lentils, Bay and the pressed garlic. Let it boil about 20 minutes. Grate the carrot. Mix soya meal and water and whisk it into the soup. Let it cook for another 10

Mains Freshly grated nutmeg Olive oil Parmesan cheese ...

Cut the meat into very small cubes. Rinse the spinach well, remove coarse stems and steam it in the water hanging by. Pressure al væden from the spinach and chop it finely. Peel the carrot, celery and onion arrow. Chop it all very finely and FRY in a little

Soups Flutes Chopped tomatoes Small red pepper diced ...

The meat is Brown and eventually Brown blended onions with. Add the remaining ingredients. It all boiled for about 10 mins.

Soups Celery Carrot Garlic ...

Saute smoked blubber into oil, cut the vegetables into small cubes, add vegetables. All Sauté, add the broth, add the rice or spaghetti. Boil at low heat for everything is finished. By serving tilsmages soup with crushed garlic, chopped lard and Chervil.

Soups Chives Grated cheese (danbo) Freshly ground pepper ...

Leeks and onions, cleaned and cut into thin slices and FRY in butter. Then add the soup, milk and thyme, and it all boils approx. 10 min Carrots and peas, as well as whipping cream admissible in court boils again 5 mins., and season with salt and pepper. Servi

Soups Freshly ground pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Cut lemon shell in fine strmler. Remove the core and outlet avocado the avocado flesh. Cut it into slices. Cut the onion into slices. Put a few rings to one side and gently fry the rest of the olive oil until they are clear. Pour the broth and boil a half an h

Soups Freshly ground white pepper Salt Mustard powder ...

Onion and garlic peeled, chopped fine and twirls clear in 10 g butter. Add flour, Brown lightly, and the broth is poured by a bit at a time. Rinse the cucumber, 4 thin slices cut from the for garnish. The rest of the cucumber peeled off, splitting lengthwise,