Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Cold cuts Curry Paprika Salt ...

Beetroot, onions, carrot and celery rives on the finest at rivehjernet. Leek cut into very thin slices and FRY in marg. In a pan, until golden. Then mix it all together with spices. FRY in a heat-proof serving dish with lid at 200 degrees for about 1 hour.

Mains Coarsely ground pepper Salt Tværreb-carved as the short ribs ...

Cut the kålhovedet in both, which in turn shared across and remove the stick. Came the cabbage in boiling water and let it get a rehash. Pour into a colander to drain. The peeled onion cut into coarse cubes. The apples were peeled off and core are removed.

Sides Parsley, fresh Garlic Onion ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Butter a baking dish with high edge with a bit of butter. Favor vegetables into cubes and minced garlic in the dish, pour the broth by and benefit the rest of the butter over. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, put

Mains Curry Chicken whole Salt ...

Curry sauce: Start with the sauce, so it is ready when the right to be put in the oven. Peel and chop the onion. Cut the bacon into strips. Saute the onion and bacon together a few minutes. Sprinkle curry powder over and let it sear with a moment. Mix the flou

Sides Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

The potatoes cut into small pieces. The onions peeled, cut into small pieces and steamed in butter. Add the broth, vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper and let it simmer for 5 min. carefully Invert potatoes in and let it all get a little warm. Server possibly the w

Soups Fresh thyme-1 tsp. dried Parsley Leeks with green top ...

Cut the cleaned vegetables into smaller pieces. * Heat olive oil and sauté the vegetables in it to get a little color. Thus penetrates the taste more. Fill 5 L water and herbs in the Pan and cook the soup for one hour. The vegetables are picked up by the Pan a

Soups Pepper Chives Salt ...

Leek and onion cut into thin slices and FRY in margarine. The vegetables cook with broth and thyme for about 10 minutes. Add peas and carrots and cook then 5 minutes. The soup is blended. Let the soup cook up into the Pan, added the cream. Season with salt and

Mains Pepper Rosemary Salt ...

Saute the onion and put them into a saucepan. Gently fry the 4 pieces 1/2 chicken and put them in the pot. Put the rest in with the exception of Rosemary and star anise. Bring to the boil. Let simmer for half an hour add the Rosemary and anise. Let simmer for