Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Sauces Cayenne pepper Paprika Salt ...

Chop the onion and garlic cloves and let them take color in the oil. Add the tomato, the juice and the peel from the oranges and lemon and the Madeira. Season with salt, peppers and cayenne pepper. Heat gently the sauce for 10 minutes, filter and sprinkle with

Soups French bread Pepper Salt ...

The pinned onion is cut into thin slices that are golden in the butter and the flour is sprinkled and golden. Sprinkle with water and the soup boil for 10 min. And season with cream, salt and pepper. When serving, sprinkle with crispy bacon and buttered french

Soups French bread Cheese Pepper ...

Cut the onions in large cubes and turn them into the pan until golden. Add the soup and let it boil for 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Pour it into a serving bowl. Cut a slice of french bread without a crust and put it on top of the soup. Finally add

Pickling Freshly ground pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Rinse the tomatoes and flake them. Divide the tomatoes into quarters, scrape the kernels and cut the tomatoes into cubes. Arrow the bulbs and cut them into cubes. Cut the chiliies, remove the kernels and chop the chili peas into small pieces. Heat the oil in a

Sides Olive oil Oregano Paprika ...

Take 2 pieces of staniol Put some oil on the middle Put a little onion on the bottom (so the feta do not stick) Put on grease and put on onion pepper and tomato and sprinkle with oregano and paprika and pour some oil over. Grab the foil together so that it bec

Mains Mexican spice Pepper Salt ...

The chicken is cooked as directed on the package. While the chicken fry mix salsasov's chopped tomatoes, water, onion, garlic, salt, pepper and spices. The bacon is roasted. The carrot is peeled and keep peeling so it becomes thin peel. Red pepper cut into

Sides Eggs Fresh or dried herbs according to taste Oatmeal ...

Tofu is crumbled or mashed with a fork. Rice, onions, oatmeal and rhodium milk are mixed in (I usually pick it up in the chopper for the rod blender first, but it can be avoided, and you do not have to cut it off). Spices and eggs are added. Stir like fried po

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Fold the fennels and cut them into thin transverse slices. Cut the onions into slices and halve the tomatoes, pressed free of kernels and cut them into strips. Cook onion and fennel 4-5 min. On a forehead in a little oil. Add the tomatoes and warm them through