Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Onions and garlic are chopped fine, sautéed in olive oil without burning. The potatoes are torn and tucked free of moisture. Spinach leaves chopped, All ingredients are mixed. The oil is heated in a pan and the mixture is distributed therein and golden on b

Cold cuts 8-10 forme à 4.5 dl Ground allspice Ground cloves ...

Liver, fried and onion chopped through the meat chopper 3-4 times and mix well. Then whip with egg, flour, cream and spices. Pour into small molds of 4.5 dl and freeze immediately. Remove from the freezer and baked at 180 degrees in water bath for 1-1½ hour

Mains Chopped dill or parsley Curry powder to taste Pepper ...

The onions are peeled and chopped. The meat is browned with the chopped onions in the fat. Salt and water are added. The court boils approx. 1 hour. Meanwhile, vegetables are made. Cauliflower is washed and divided into bouquets. The carrots are scrap

Mains Soy Bamboo shoots Chopped tomato ...

Season the beef until it is cooked. Then put the onions and stir them for approx. 5 min. Put the rest of the ingredients in and leave it for approx. 5 min. Cook the noodles for approx. 5 min. Then put them down to the court for 5 minutes. Server dish hot.

Mains Chopped parsley for garnish Pepper Salt ...

Arrow the bulbs and tear them down. Mix them with the meat and season with salt pepper and curry. Whip the eggs together in a bowl. Stir them in the meatfare. Peel the potatoes and tear them. Push them dry with a clean cloth and mix the mass in the drip. Fin

Mains Pepper Salt Chives ...

The onions are peeled and chopped well. If using bayese or barbecue sausages, cut them into slices, as well as the boiled potatoes. The onions are sliced ​​in grease, sausages and potatoes are added and swabbed. Tomato puree is poured and the dish is cooked by

Mains Food pancakes Pepper Salt ...

Cut the onions and mushrooms into small pieces and put it together in a saucepan. Then put the meat in and round it until it is well-cooked. Then pour the frozen spinach and spices in. Let it stand and small simmer until the oven is hot. Then fold the pancakes

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Stir meat (possibly calf / pork) and grated onion with the other ingredients (close to mushroom and bacon) and let the dad rest for at least 30 minutes. Add carefully the freshly cleaned mushrooms in quarters. Form the dad for a bread put in a refractory di