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Recipes with Lemon juice

Drinks (cold) Ice cold champagne Lemon juice Blue curacao ...

Mix ingredients and serve your drink.

Drinks (cold) Danish water Ice cubes Grenadine ...

Gin, lemon juice, orange juice, ice cubes, Angostura and grenadinen shakes. SI drink into a glass and fill up with Danish water. Garnish, if desired. with a slice of Orange.

Drinks (cold) H space I. w. harper bourbon (whiskey) Lemon juice ...

Shake with ice and strain into medium-sized glass. Pour soda in and decorate with small pieces of pineapple and appelsinkød shucked.

Drinks (cold) A little fresh kruse Mint Brown sugar Lemon slice ...

Lemon juice and brown sugar in a medium-sized glass. Stir the sugar is dissolved. Then add rum. Glass filled ¾ up with crushed ice and stir again. Decorated with lemon slice and a cocktail cherries and possibly. with fresh kruse Mint. Serve with straws.

Drinks (cold) Crushed ice Lemon juice Fresh peach or Peach from canned ...

Peach, lemon juice, sugar, rum and ice cream place in the electric blender at minimum speed for 20 seconds. Usiet is served in between the large glass. If instead of fresh peach used pickled peach added no sugar

Drinks (cold) Apry Bacardi rum Lemon juice ...

Shake with ice and serve in a cocktail glass

Drinks (cold) Orange bitters Bacardi rum Lemon juice ...

Shake with ice and serve in a cocktail glass

Drinks (cold) Lemon juice Orange juice H space ...

Shake with ice and serve in a cocktail glass