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Recipes with Lemon

Cakes in form Cardamom Raisins Lemon ...

The milk is boiled, poured onto the broken oatmeal that is left overnight. The eggs are whipped well, poured into the cream, with sugar, cinnamon, salty juice and the fox of lemon, cardamom and raisins. It comes in a well-lubricated sand cake (or foliofo

Drinks (warm) Cinnamon Red wine Lemon ...

Pour red wine into an enamelled pot and add cinnamon and cardamom into a small gazepose. Heat up to slightly below boiling point, turn under the pan and allow the wine to draw under low for about 5 minutes. Add sugar, lemon juice and thin strips of yellow peel

Drinks (cold) Brown rum Lemon Lemon, the juice of which ...

Squeeze the juice of the half lemon. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and warm slowly. Pour the steamy hot beverage into a glass and decorate with cinnamon and lemon. tips: Can be diluted with hot water if the strength is too overwhelming.

Drinks (warm) Lemon Cinnamon. Rod Almonds, peeled ...

Pour red wine into an enamelled pot and add cinnamon and cardamom into a small gazepose. Heat up to slightly below boiling point, turn off under the pan and allow the wine to draw under the lid. 5 minutes. Add sugar, lemon juice and thin strips of yellow pe

Mains Lemon pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Scrub the potatoes and cut in both and put them in the pan and brush with oil / lemon juice salt and thyme. Stir in oven at 200 degrees oven oven / 180 hot air for 45 minutes. Sprinkle with lemon pepper.

Appetizers Lemon Dill, fresh Pepper ...

Mix crab meat, chopped dill, tomatoes freeze for kernels, lemon peel and juice and taste well. Half and taste the avocados and get stuffed. Decorate with chopped onion and dillkviste and lemon slice.

Mains Fresh Marjoram Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

The fillet is rubbed with salt and pepper and fry with a little oil and butter approx. 30 min must be reversed 4 times to achieve the interval drawing effect. Take it up and let it rest before cutting. The pan is boiled with beef fin and cooked with freshly ch

Pickling EVS. gelling and preservative Lemon Fresh ginger ...

Peel the bulbs and remove the core housings. Cut the pears into small pieces and mix them in a bowl of 2 teaspoons finely chopped ginger and lemon peel, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and water. Put the lid on and give it 5 min at full power 600w. Add sugar, stir ar