Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Leeks

Mains Chicken White wine vinegar Onion ...

The chicken fried in a preheated oven at 180 ° c for about 75 minutes, the meat can be easily loosened from the bone, and kødsaften is ready. The potatoes peeled and scratched half into thin slices. Put the scratched side face down. Brush with fat, and sprinkl

Mains Butter Lemon juice thereof Thyme ...

The chickens brought to the boil in salted water with leeks, shallots, thyme and peppercorns. Some gruel is until tender-about 3 district. Mushrooms and steamed in a frying pan in skives 1 tablespoon butter with added lemon juice and a bit of the broth from th

Mains Eggs Pepper Salt ...

Thaw puff pastry up. Sprinkle chicken fillets with salt and pepper and brown them by means of strong heating in oil 5 min. on each side. Let them warm in oil 5 min. on each side. Let them cool slightly on a plate. Roll puff pastry out to twice the size. Mix th

Mains Salt Chili pepper Soy ...

Cut the Kangaroo meat into thin strips and let them marinate for a few hours in mix of teriyaki sauce and soy. Clean the leeks and carrots and cut them into thin slices. Cut the sugar peas in bite-sized chunks. Heat a large wokpande op. Came 1 tbsp. of oil in

Soups Peas Chopped bacon Pasta screws/star noodles ...

Bacon fry along with leeks, carrots and onions. Add a can of tomatoes and 1/2 to 1/1 liters of water and cook until tender about 30 minutes. Add the peas (do not boil). Cook the pasta/screws next to the and add them in the soup. Server if necessary. with gr

Mains Asparagus potatoes Wax paper or bagefolie Chicken broth/EVS. cube ...

Animal meat is freed from tendons and membranes, seasoned with salt and pepper and fried in butter or oil in a frying pan. The washed potatoes boiled in water and salt asparagus-like with the skin on. The top cut of fenniklerne, then quarter and boil unt

Mains Freshly ground pepper Vegetable bouillon cube Salt ...

Prepare the carrots and leeks. Cut the clutter and top of skalotte buds. Came the onions in a bowl with boiling water. Let them stand for a moment and the soft shell of arrow. Getting fat in a sauté pan and warm it up. Saute the meat first in 2 minutes (it sho

Mains Pepper Salt Dried tarragon ...

Slice the leeks and peppers into coarse cubes Peel and slice the potatoes in both Sauté the meat in hot oil in a pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper when the meat is browned and done do you take it up on a platter and put aluminum foil over so it keeps it hot s