Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Leeks

Soups Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Cut the pears into slices. Cut carrots. Celery and cabbage in small tern. Put the vegetables in oil in a large pot until they smell and smudge. Crumble the meat down to the vegetables and wrap it up. Add curry and finely chopped garlic and turn for a moment. A

Soups 1 cube of knorr chicken stock Fresh chives Cream fine for cooking 7% or 15% ...

Peel the potatoes and wash the pears. Cut the slices of slices and put them together with the potatoes in a saucepan and boil in water (possibly added broth) approx. 20 min. Until the potatoes are tender. Blend everything with a spell blender until the cons

Mains 2 stalks fresh rosemary 2 stems fresh thyme 5 dl. chicken broth ...

Clean the chicken for any. Ingots and remnants of feathers. Bring the chicken in a large saucepan. Peel the bulbs and cut them in the neighborhood, blame the bell peel and cut each stalk into 4 pieces, wash the carrots and cut them in large pieces. Bring the

Soups Oil Salt Fintklippet chives ...

Onions, chives and garlic are chopped roughly. The chili is cut into small pieces. The potatoes are peeled and cut into large cubes. Onions, chives, garlic and chilli are spiced in a little oil. Potatoes and broth are added. The soup is cooked under low h

Mains Pepper Salt Magarine/butter ...

Cut the bacon into small strips and brown it in a saucepan, remove it and put it aside. Brown the chops one moment on each side until they get color and then remove them and put them in a large ovenproof dish, then lay the bacon down over / next to it. Cut

Soups Noodles Pepper Salt ...

Place the chicken in the 2 liters of boiling chicken wool. While pilles are peeled and cut into small tern and the ginger is torn. The carrots are peeled and cut into half slices, the celery is cut into the tern and the pears cut into slices. The chicken is

Soups Fresh thyme Pepper Salt ...

The day before: Chopsticks, bacon, legumes and fresh thyme are boiled with salt and vegetable stew in the 5 liters of water. The meat is taken up as it is cooked tenderly. The soup is poured, the pot is cleaned and the soup poured back into the pan. The mi

Mains Finely chopped red chilli Demerara sugar Garlic pressed ...

Cut the salmon in fine pieces with a sharp knife and put the salmon pieces in a dish (not metal). Mix soy sauce, tomato ketchup, rice vinegar, sugar and garlic. Pour the mixture (or the purchased teriyaki sauce) over the salmon pieces, turn them and let