Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Leaf celery

Mains 50 g. grated mild cheese Pepper Salt ...

Arrow onion and garlic and chop both. Rinse bladselleri stalks and cut them into thin slices across. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and gently fry the vegetables for a moment. The meat came on and Brown it map. Crumble it with a spoon or fork. Add the to

Mains Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

Pat the meat dry with paper towels. Heat oil in a pan over good heat. Add the curry powder. Brown ham, and apologise for on all sides. Add the finely chopped onion and garlic and let it Roast with a couple of minutes. Add the diced bell peppers, celery and

Sides Couscous Wheat flour Eggs ...

Peel the potatoes and carrots. arrow white buds. Rinse celery. got it all in foodprocesor or similar-blendt it to that has a porridge-like mass without "lumps". mix eggs into flour and couscous in. stir (should maybe used a little more than specified, depen

Appetizers Pepper Salt Tabasco ...

Cut top of bread and and took most of the insides out with a spoon. Slice the meat and vegetables into fine cubes. Pepper and celery pieces must now FRY in very hot oil. Add the corn and tomato-first and let it roast map. Now add the chili sauce to bind it all

Mains 1 cayenne pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices and put them in layers in an oblong pan or roasting pan with a lid. Turbot fillets added on top of the potatoes, and finally add water so that the whole thing is half covered. Cut the tomatoes into quarters or half, add

Mains Chili sauce Cooked rice Corn bread ...

Chop the bell pepper, onion, parsley and half stalk finely and bladselleri came the vegetables in a bowl. Got them with *) branded spices in another bowl. Style both ready. Heat the oil in a heavy pot to start smoking. Add the flour little by little as you

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Share the chicken into serving pieces and season them with salt and pepper. Allow the oil to be hot and Brown chicken pieces on all sides. Take them up. Sauté the sliced onion and crushed garlic cloves in oil. Came the sliced mushrooms in and let them simme

Mains Cayenne pepper Minced parsley Oil ...

Chicken cut into 10-12 pieces and Brown it in a saucepan over high heat. Put chicken pieces aside on a heat-proof platter. Chop the carrot, onion, celery, garlic, rødpeber and ham in small pieces and sauté them in the pan. Add the peeled tomatoes and broth. Le