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Recipes with Juniper

Sides Duck fat Little prunes Honey ...

Red cabbage seasoned with crushed juniper berries, salt and pepper and sauté tender in duck fat and honey in a pan under the lid. After about 25 minutes, remove the lid and add the red wine and boil into the cabbage. Seasoned with salt and pepper.

Sides Duck fat Little prunes Honey ...

Red cabbage seasoned with crushed juniper berries, salt and pepper and sauté tender in duck fat and honey in a pan under the lid. After about 25 minutes, remove the lid and add the red wine and boil into the cabbage. Seasoned with salt and pepper.

Mains Asparagus potatoes Garlic Field mushrooms or alm. mushrooms ...

Start by scratch pig fat in ca. kammens 1x1cm. large cubes (rids down in the flesh). Place the pig the comb in a dish and pour the marinade over. Let pork stand and pull the comb in the marinade for at least 12 hours, preferably longer. Turn it on and of

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Semmelknödel: onions chopped fine and time in butter. Add milk and boil up. Edges cut of toast and cut into 1 cm. small cubes. Dice bread came in a bowl and pour the milk mixture over the guilt. The Bowl covered airtight with a piece of film and made page 15 m

Mains Fruit jellies Honey Pepper ...

Cut the goose breasts on the crossword in the fat. Brown them thoroughly on the fat side, and then on the second page. Take them off. Cut the cabbage finely. Let it pull a couple of hours with salt and vinegar. The cabbage throw juice. Pour the juice away.

Lunch Carrot Leek Water ...

Breast and thighs cut of fasanerne and comes in brine for 12 hours the breast poached in about 15 minutes in 1 l. water, added the washed vegetables from the brine. The thighs Cook ahead in 30 minutes.

Mains Broth (possibly water + cube) EVS. milk EVS. red wine ...

Remove the coarsest membranes and tendons from hove, clubs and back. Crack your back a few places. Put the Hare in a marinade of ½ red wine and 1/3 water, Bay leaves and Juniper Berry about 1 day. Dry pieces of hare and bind fat slices of them. Brown them in t

Mains Carrot Honey cake Onion ...

Share the Hare into suitable pieces and remove the coarse tendons. Make a marinade of the red wine, they redecorated the vegetables in coarse cubes, pepper and juniper berries and put the Hare in the marinade for at least 24 hours, preferably longer. Take the