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Recipes with Hazelnuts

Desserts (warm) Macaroons Wheat flour Syrup, light ...

The mixed berries is poured out in a heat-proof dish and sugar sprinkled over it. Hazel nuts are chopped. The other ingredients are assembled as well as possible in a bowl. Like to use the hands to get it to hang together. Friable dough over the filling

Cold cuts Pepper Garlic Thyme, dried ...

Cook the rice according to instructions on the package. Let them cool slightly. Mix mushrooms, onions garlic and roughly chopped hazelnuts and thyme. Brown mushroom blend in browned butter in a large frying pan. Pour the mixture into a mixing bowl. Add t

Cakes in form Baking soda Oil Hazelnuts ...

Whisk eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar into a fluffy egg snaps. Mix the flour, baking powder, chopped nuts and chopped chocolate together and turn it gently into the dough, alternating with the oil and the juice of one orange (which may possibly be complied with

Cakes in form CA. 500 gr. stuffed – depending on what you have or feel like Dates Figs ...

Melt brown sugar and honey in a saucepan on a low heat. When mixture is melted take the pot of warm and cooled down a bit. Add the beaten eggs and Sift flour and seasoning in the mixture. Add the stuffing. Advantage in roasting pan with baking paper. Bak

Desserts (cold) Cointreau Isinglass, leaves Whipped cream ...

Grate the whole hazelnuts on a hot dry pan, take of the forehead and nulder most of the Brown Shell. Chop the nuts and chocolate. Put the gelatine soak in cold water. Eggs, egg yolks and sugar, beat white. Piskefløden whipped stiff. Husdblassen knuges

Cookies Salt Eggs Bicarbonate of soda ...

Hasselnøddere chopped coarsely. All the ingredients are mixed. Kneaded together and rolled out to finger thick rods. Be cool for a few hours. Cut into thick slices, put on wax paper. Bake at 180 c in 8-10 my.

Salads Wheat flour Oil for frying Pepper ...

Cut the salad into four parts and turn it first in egg and flour and then in breadcrumbs. Warm oil in a large pan and fry the salad until it is golden. Put the salad in fatty sucking paper and sprinkle with salt. Mix the hazelnuts with parmesan, olive oi

Cold cuts Whipped cream Hazelnuts Dark chocolate ...

Grate hasselnøddernee on a dry pan on a low heat for about 5 mins until they smell fried. Getting them warm in a foodprocesser or mixes with the chocolate broken into smaller pieces and the honey. Run for it is evenly and smooth, add the piskefløden along the