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Recipes with Green bell pepper

Pickling Garlic Green bell pepper Whole ginger ...

The cleaned fruits and the scalded, peeled onions chopped fine or be painted through a kødmaskine. Everything is mixed, pour over with vinegar, sugar, syrup and salt. Spices and Ginger are added by. The mass brought slowly to a boil and boil about 10 minutes.

Mains Pepper Accessories Basil, dried ...

The onions chopped, bell pepper and squash cut into cubes and mushrooms cut into slices. Fry the chopped onion in margarine. Brown the meat in it. Let the first green pepper simmer with, then mushrooms and finally squash. Add the rest except cheese. And sim

Appetizers Tabasco Groftmalet pepper Cauliflower head ...

Cut in slices, squashen peberfrugten in long thin strips, and part b the cabbage in bouquets. Boil all other ingredients in a pan and add the vegetables. Turn down the heat, and simmer until tender, but not mashed. Came the mixture in the bowl or jar and cover

Salads Cucumber in slices Mild chilli at will Pepper ...

Chop the onion into small cubes and sauté them in a pan. Inserts pebberen into small cubes and add them and the peeled tomatoes. Chop the garlic and put it in let it simmer until the tomato "sauce" has been fairly thick. Flavor so with salt pepper and chilli.

Mains Tabasco Olive oil Thyme, dried ...

Rinse the rice and FRY in a little olive oil. Chopped onion and garlic, bell pepper into small pieces, ham cubes, water, tomatoes, thyme, bay leaf and a few drops of Tabasco added, after which the right cooked, covered, on low heat for 40 minutes. To sti

Mains Basil, fresh Oregano, fresh Pepper ...

Rinse tenderloin free of sinew. Then slice the tenderloin into slices 4-5 cm thick. Sprinkle salt and pepper on the slices and brown them on the forehead. Take the meat from the Pan and saute the onion, garlic and Leek on the forehead. Tube piquant cheese o

Mains Pilav Freshly ground black pepper Lemon juice ...

Making fish unable, ridding it of guts and file it. Cut the fillets into pieces about the size of a matchbox. Stir in olive oil, lemon juice and pepper together, add the Bay leaves and the finely chopped or pressed garlic cloves. Let the fish marinate in this

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Heat the oil in a pan and flip it udskivede onions-peeled and finely chopped garlic in it, without taking any further color. Cut the meat into bite-sized pieces and sauté them Golden on all sides in the same pan. Peel the tomatoes, hold them for a moment in