Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Flax seed

Bread, buns & biscuits Honey Salt Yeast ...

Stir the yeast together with salt, honey and water. Add the oil. Stir in rest of ingredients gradually. The dough should be sticky. Stir well through. The dough is taken to uplift in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours. Turn on the oven at 250-300 degree

Porridge & gruel Raisins or other dried fruit cut into small pieces Barley groats any broken Whole millet ...

All the ingredients in a pot in the evening, water is poured on to the covers. Next morning, add the correction. more water and porridge cooked v. means of low heat, about 15 minutes, A bit of salt added. Tips: Can easily be multiplied up to more people. H

Bread, buns & biscuits Coarse salt Sugar Milk ...

Com sunflower seeds and flax seed in a cold pan. Unscrew up to strong heating and grate kernene while stirring for about 3 min. Warm milk and stir then milk and yeast together in a bowl. Add sugar, salt and the toasted, heat cores. Came in and beat the doug

Bread, buns & biscuits Flax seed Sunflower kernels Eggs ...

Stir the yeast in the lukewarm water, out came the grated carrots and the other ingredients and knead into dough release. Set dough balls to the withdrawal during a tea towel about 35 min. then form dough balls (ca 16stk) brush with egg Bake in oven at 20

Bread, buns & biscuits Cracked wheat kernels and rye kernels A little flaxseed and sesame seeds Pumpkin seeds (or coarsely chopped) ...

Oats grynene (and possibly wheat or rye kernels) boiled in water and allow to cool. The yeast is mixed in the A38 The rest, however, a bit of the flour, add-hold back Cover-enforced warm place for about 30 mins. The dough is beaten down and shaped into 25

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Carrots Quark 1% ...

Warm water and mix the yeast in it add the Quark, finely grated carrot, finely grated Zucchini, salt, flaxseed, sunflower seeds and whole wheat flour. Eventually kneaded wheat flour in the dough, Let the dough raise approximately lind is 1 hour. Beat the do

Breakfast & brunch Oatmeal (the one you like best) Oat bran Millet flakes ...

Everything except almonds, hazel nuts and raisins mixed in a roasting pan. Roasting pan in the oven and stand there for 10 minutes then comes to almonds and hazelnuts in and lets it stand 10 mins more in the oven (oven must still be lit!) so take saucepan off

Bread, buns & biscuits Baking soda Oatmeal Flax seed ...

Put all ingredients in a bowl and stir together. Portion dough into two portions and place each portion on a piece of oil greased wax paper. Then put a piece of wax paper over the oil lubricated and roll with a rolling pin as flat as possible. Turn the oven on