Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Eggs

Lunch Allround spice Dijon mustard Herb mix ...

Snug up the milk and melt the red dot in it. Smulder yeast in and let it be dissolved. (Remember the milk top must be finger lun). Mix rest of ingredients in and stir it well. Set the dough to uplift in 30 min. Share in the donated unit 2. Turn the dough

Sides Salt Garam masala Oil for frying ...

boil potatoes and mash them with the arrow and salt and chili powder. Boil chicken and remove the legs Chop chicken into small cubes and mix with the fine chopped onion and ginger and garlic, the chopped green chilies, chopped coriander and garam masala. Mix i

Bread, buns & biscuits Lemon Sugar Fat ...

It all stirred together and put on plates that are lubricated with grease and over sprinkled with flour. You can put them with a spoon, but the easiest is to get the dough in an icing bag and then spray it out. The size is as regular buns, and bake in a hot

Cakes in form Salt Bumped cloves Nutmeg ...

Crust: Pie dough is kneaded well together and made the correction. in the fridge a few hours. The dough rolled out and placed in a tærtefad-right up to the edge. Pie filling: Stir all ingredients together well and spread them out over the tart dough. Behind

Breakfast & brunch Bicarbonate of soda Baking soda Wheat flour ...

Solids (flour, sugar, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda) mixed. The butter is melted (do not brown). Egg whipped lightly with fork. Buttermilk, beaten egg and melted butter whipped lightly together. Solids are incorporated. If possible, let the mixt

Mains 1 clove pressed garlic A little pressed garlic Oil for frying ...

Knead the meat with flour, salt and eggs Came in to the sour cream consistency is firm but coherent. Turn the chopped herbs in. Let forcemeat rest 1/2 hour. Form Walnut-sized balls with wet hands and turn them into flour and thyme. Only those who can be on the

Cakes in form Icing sugar Cocoa Whole milk ...

Whip eggs and sugar white and frothy. Mix the flour and baking powder and vanilla sugar and mix it together in æggesnapsen. Melt the margarine and mix it into the milk. Came boiling water and cocoa and mix it all together. Pour batter into a greased bak

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Dough: mix the flour and fat and Quark and all that well put dough into køleskabbet approximately one hour. Put about half the butter in a pot when the butter is melted put the washed spinach in and fade the heat and let it stand for about 10 minutes. Cu