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Recipes with Eggs

Desserts (warm) Vanilla pod Eggs Cream ...

The ingredients to the bottom are worked together. Roll out to the pie and baked in oven on the bottom shelf 15 min.200 * (fill dried lentils or rice to hold it down). The lenses remove and the pie is baked for 10 minutes. to. Melt the chocolate and brush w

Mains Fill Pepper Salt ...

Chop butter and flour together into a dough and roll it to a roll. Divide it into 10 equal parts and squeeze them into small tartlets. Put them in a refrigerator while making the filling. Salmon strips are spread into the molds and sprinkle the cracked cheese

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon, thereof ...

Chicken meat, crushed garlic, breadcrumb / rasp, lemon peel, thyme, egg salt and pepper blend well with your hands. Cool in a refrigerator for 30 minutes. Youghurt mint sauce: All ingredients mix well together. The meat is shaped with a spoon for balls.

Sides Freshly grated parmasan A little olive oil Pepper ...

The potatoes are cut in both. Onions are chopped and sautees soft in olive oil. Add the potatoes, cream and peas and let it be warmed. Whip the eggs and stir them in the pan until the mixture becomes stiff and taste with salt and pepper sprinkle with grated pa

Cookies Baking powder Eggs Salt ...

Sift flour, deer salt and salt into a large bowl of bowl. Cut the margarine with a sharp knife. Then it crumbles between the fingers to a grit mass. The vanilla rods are flattened along and the grains are scrapped out. They are mixed with the sugar and p

Cakes in form Together the beaten egg Sweetener equivalent to 100 g sugar Cardamom ...

Mix flour, cardamom and salt and crumble the fat in it. Stir lukewarm water and yeast together and add. Add milk, sweetener and egg. Beat the dough well, it must be quite soft. Set to raise for 30 minutes. Place half of the dough in a greased spring form. B

Cakes in form Roasted nut flakes Salt Baking soda ...

The margarine is whipped white and the eggs are added one at a time. The residue is mixed gently. It is poured into a lubricated and meshed edge shape (22 cm). Add 100 g of marmalade to the top of the cake and baking it in the middle of the oven at 180 degrees

Cakes in form Port wine (approx. 112 dl) Baking soda Bananas ...

Whip the whole egg and sow well together. Fling flour and baking soda with light hand and put the dough in a well-rounded spring shape, approx. 22 cm in diameter. Peel the fruit, cut the bananas into slices and share the clementines and apples in both. Put