Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Crème fraiche 38%

Appetizers Eggs Fresh herbs (parsley oq chives URf.eks.) Pepper ...

Pull the skin of kyllinqebrysterne oq cut them into strips. Cut the cleaned Leek oq peeled parsley root into thin slices oq Blanch them in salted water koqende. Stir the sour cream up with chopped herbs oq qrønsaqer oq kyllinq in turn. Smaq with salt oq pep

Sauces Freshly ground pepper Brussels sprouts and onion Sugar ...

Melt the butter in a thick-bottomed pan, add the paprika and let shower by. Sauté the onions in it, and got the sour cream in the sauce thoroughly and taste. heat it with tomato puree, salt, pepper and, if desired. sugar. Server the sauce for hoe steaks, chi

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon, thereof ...

Go after the fillets for bones. Cut them through once lengthwise and once on the cross. Aromatic skin side of hornfiske pieces, with chopped dill, lemon juice and rind. Roll the fillets with skin inwards. Steam about 15 minutes in a 180 degrees c. alm. oven

Appetizers A little cayenne pepper Salt Fish bouillonterning ...

Arrow the prawns. Chop the onion and parsley, cut the mushrooms into slices and peppers into dice. Chicken and tomato Peel. Slice the tomato flesh into cubes. Heat a sauté pan up to medium heat. Melt 2-3 tablespoons butter in the Pan and fry the onion and b

Desserts (cold) Watercress Lemon pulp Port wine ...

Soak isinglass in cold water and dissolve in 1-2 tablespoons boiling water. Add the wine, stirring and fill the mixture into a mold. Whip cream fraichen halvsativ, flavor it with salt and pepper and flip the shrimp in. Garnish with watercress and lemon p

Appetizers Freshly ground black pepper Butter for pan Finely chopped dill ...

Preparation: Preheat to 180 & # 1771; º. Line a baking Tin on ca. 30 × 40 cm with wax paper and let the excess hang over the sides of paper. Butter the paper well with soft butter. Blend first 4 ingredients to the dough together, then add the herbs and ble

Cakes in form Vanilla rod Quark naturel (in ruus farmer a curd cheese of stored milk called tvor and but Quark can replace this) Unsalted butter ...

Kvarken is stirred into a smooth mass. The butter is stirred with sugar and eggs stirred in the soft, one at a time. Quark, sour cream and butter mixture together and warmed gently in rø res a thick-bottomed saucepan to just below the boiling point. The co

Appetizers Cherry tomatoes Green dill Shrimp ...

Sour cream and seafood salt mix. A tortilla and upstairs are lubricated in a thin layer of cream f. + skyldyrssalat and a little smoked salmon. This is repeated for all 6 tortillas are used. When it has drawn approximately ½ day one can correct the edges of "