Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Corn

Lunch Digestive biscuits French bread Liver paté ...

First, margerinen lubricated on the bread. Smørres a good layer of leverpostej Derefer out on the bread. Then pour in addition to majsne and eventually crushed digestive biscuits in addition to 2-3 whole lot. Tips: French bread is best if it has lain in an

Soups Pepper Salt Bacon ...

Roast bacon, and apologise for. Saute the onion and add the remaining ingredients. Got bacon, and apologise for in at the end. Server with flute or other bread.

Lunch Freshly ground pepper Accessories Coarse salt ...

Dough: cut the butter into small pieces and crumble it into the flour until it resembles grated cheese. Add water and reassemble the quick dough. Press it out into a greased springform (ca. 22 cm in diameter). Let the batter go ¾ up the form page. Style it cov

Mains Cucumber Bacon pieces Mushroom ...

Cut all ingredients in addition to fit the fondue sticks. Fondue can be accompanied by clear and started doing so to eat. Homemade French fries, Dill dip, Paprika dip and Flute. Tips: For fondue use bright plant oils by URf.eks. maize, sunflower, jornødder and

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Fadkorte svitset of Latvians in margarine. and spiced with salt and pepper added in a heat-proof platter. Sauté the coarsely chopped onions, bacon, corn and mushrooms and pour over short Latvians. Mix the cream with tomato paste and paprika and pour it over an

Mains Dried oregano Bacon Mushroom ...

Clip baconon in small strips and sauté them in the pan until golden. Pull them off the Pan and Brown then koteletterne in the fat until golden on both sides. Take them out of the Pan and place them in a heat-proof dish with Bacon sprinkled over. Mix then Morna

Soups Freshly ground pepper Salt Corn ...

Brown the meat in a pan without added fat. When the meat has taken the color, add paprika and garlic, stirring. The pores are cleaned and cut into 1 cm thick slices. Leeks, peppers, corn and chili added with water and bouillon cubes. Let the broth some gruel i

Mains Paprika Pepper Salad ...

increased by the four shaped patties slowly 3-5 min on each side. come on them in the oven in a baking dish, let them roast there 1o-12 min. rose pommesfrites either in the Fryer, or in the oven in a plate in the Groove under the grate with the steaks in the o