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Recipes with Corn

Sides Peas Cucumber Carrot ...

cut the peppers out so it looks like carved pumpkin heads, came either bell peppers diced in, corn or peas set possibly. "the lid" slightly on the bias, so you see there is something in. cut the cucumber into slices, carrot peeled off so the liger a tree trun

Mains Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

Arrow appearances of medisteren and place it in a baking dish. Glaser it with mustard and brown sugar pour the peeled tomatoes out of the dish and add ½ can of corn. set the oven dish in the oven at 200 gr Celcius in 30 minutes and up to glaseringen is compl

Salads Corn Sunflower cores Ansari lettuce head ...

Cut it out and put it head havle salad in a bowl. Open pineapple Tin, let them drain and add to the bowl. Came the corn in the bowl. Grate sunflower kærnerne in a pan and add to the bowl.

Soups Salt Corn Minute noodles ...

Bring water to a boil and then add the two bullionterninger. They came diced tomatoes and 2 tbsp paprika in and let the soup simmer for 10 minutes of time. The soup be smoothed so it has the proper soup consistency. Finally add the corn, and minute noodles in

Mains Oregano Pineapple Corn ...

turn on the oven at 200 degrees cut the first tomatoes in both plug into them on a talerken, then peberen cut into small piece and put baking paper in a baking pan put butter on top and pitabrødene them with tomato sauce came as little Peppers on tomato and th

Mains (a) (b) (c) ...

Rinse the beans and set them to soak overnight. Discard the water and rinse the beans again of evasion and remove possibly impurities. Boil the beans for about 50 minutes. Save a few cups of boiling water. Pour the boiling water and let beans stand in Asia whi

Lunch (to go) Oregano Cooked ham (in strips or as cold meats) Corn ...

Melt the margarine and set it to cool. Yeast a stirred into the water. Add salt, eggs and yogurt. When this is touched together, add the melti-tede margarine. Collect subsequent dough with flour and knead well (hint: don't let the dough get too dry/flour – it

Lunch (to go) Oregano Cheese Dried Basil ...

Mix the peeled tomatoes, olive oil and dried Basil and butter together it out at pitabrødene. cut the black olives into slices and the same with the ham and put it on the loaves. Sprinkle corn over and the cheese at the end. Before being put in the oven is spr