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Recipes with Coarse salt

Mains Cotton yarn Dressing of cheasy a38 Freshly ground pepper ...

Stir the sun-dried tomatoes and oregano along with the cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Put the Turkey Breast in the "smooth" side and cut a pocket in the thick part of the meat. Fill your pocket with cheese mixture. Volume cotton yarn on the Turkey Bre

Mains Pepper Coarse salt Oranges, the shell of which ...

Came the thin Orange strips in boiling water and boil them for about 3 minutes. Pour them in a sieve and let them drip. RIDs the skin of the 2 pieces of duck breast and sprinkle them with pepper. Warm the butter in a frying pan until it is golden and rose b

Salads Salad oil Lemon Coarse salt ...

Rinse broccolien, cut the lower part of the stalk and part into small bouquets. Bring the water to a boil. Add salt and the broccoli. Cook, covered, in the 2-3 minutes and add the frozen corn. When the water is boiling again, pour the vegetables into a sieve f

Mains Cheasy sauce with herbs and garlic 3% Coarse salt Peeled potatoes ...

Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices and advantage them together with salt in a baking dish (approx. 5 x 20 x 30 cm). Pour the sauce over the potatoes and Cheasy behind them in the middle of the oven at 200 degrees for about 1 hour until tender and the sur

Salads Freshly ground pepper Coarsely grated cucumber Coarse salt ...

Yoghurt is poured into a coffee filter. It must be this way in about 1 hour, then all the water from boiling. Then season it with garlic, salt and pepper. The grated cucumber should be also filtered-the can be pressed down in Tunisia to get as much of as po

Mains Feta cheese sprinkle Freshly ground pepper Yellow Rice ...

Remove coarse tendons and membrane and cut the meat into 12 large pieces. Dry the meat. Let the butter be browned in a pan. Brown 3-4 pieces at a time. Brown them on all sides (about 3 minutes in total). Put the roasted pieces of meat in the oven roasting p

Mains Fresh guard pepper Coarse salt Large potatoes ...

Let the butter be browned in a sauté pan. Brown the meat for about 2 min. Pour the red wine and water at. Add the paprika, salt and pepper and let the meat Cook on a low heat, covered, for about 1 1/2 and hour. Add the peppers and onions. The Court let C

Mains Whipped cream Coarse salt Celeriac ...

Put poularden into a saucepan with cold salted water and boil up the vegetables Do able. Meanwhile, pour them down to poularden when the water is boiling and cook it all in 30 mins. Tag so the whole celery up and let rest 30 minutes to cook. The soup throug