Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Chopped tomatoes

Mains Cream Oil Pepper ...

Pour oil into a pan and put chicken and bacon in. Let it sweat without burning. Stir flour and peppers in. Add chopped tomatoes, broth, tomato sauce, salt and pepper. Bring the pan to the boil and simmer for half an hour under the lid. (Remember to touch i

Mains Pepper Salt Curry ...

Heat the oven at 220 degrees C. Alm. oven. Cook pasta. Let the pasta drizzle and pour it into a greased dish. Melt butter in a saucepan. Add curry and tomato. Sprinkle the flour over. Sprinkle with cream. Add tuna and peas. Let it boil a couple of minute

Sides Fresh chopped Basil Pepper Salt ...

All the vegetables are chopped in fork pieces and poured into a ladder so. A large dish can also be used, but should be covered with silver paper during the cooking time. Salt and pepper are stirred together in a rind of water and poured over the vegetables

Mains Pepper Roughly chopped fresh basil Chopped tomatoes ...

Melt the butter in a large saucepan and season the onion and garlic. Add the chopped tomatoes, sugar, salt and pepper. Boil the sauce with low heat and under low for approx. 10 min. Add the turkey chicken and boil for another 10 minutes. Cut the cher

Mains Butter/oil Spagetti/pasta Pepper ...

Meatballs: Stir onion, garlic, lemon peel and juice, egg, water, salt and pepper and leave it rested in the refrigerator for approx. ½ hour. Then form the walnut size filler and simmer them in lightly salted water for 10 minutes. sauce: Sweat onions, garl

Mains Ovenstegte potatoes or rice and bread Pepper Salt ...

Season onions, peppers, squash and garlic in oil. Add tomatoes and oregano / basil and let the vegetables siimre for 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Cut the bread in about 3 cm thick slices. Brown the steaks in butter on the forehead and season wit

Mains Freshly ground pepper Little becel liquid A little oil/vinegar dressing ...

Pour Milda into a bowl and soften the French bread. Add all the other ingredients to the dad and stir them well together. Form the dad to buns the size of walnuts and raise them in Becel floating on a forehead. Flip them regularly to make them round and fri

Mains Basil A little olive oil Pepper ...

Find the ingredients for the meat salad. Cut the chicken meat into small tern. Peel the onions and cut them well. Clean the pores and cut them into thin slices. Arrow whipped and press it. Measure the rest of the ingredients. Find a pot and come approx. A