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Recipes with Cayenne pepper

Cold cuts Wheat flour Salt Sour cream 18% ...

Boil squashen in a little bit of salted water until it is tender. Put half of the squashene in a litre baking Tin and put rice and parsley on top. Shake the rest of the squashene in the flour and put them on top of the rice. Stir in the next 4 ingredient

Cold cuts Cayenne pepper Salt Mustard powder ...

Squashene boil in salted water for about 5 minutes. Pour væden slices and pat dry in paper towel from the paper. Line a greased baking Tin, ca. 25 cm. in length, with bread slices. Mix squashen with cheese and butter and spread the mass over the bread. Whip

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Cayenne pepper ...

The fish is washed, dried and placed in a large dish. In a bowl mix the chopped onions with lemon juice, garlic, cayenne pepper, coriander, paprika and 4 tbsp. olive oil. Mix it well with a whisk or hand mixer. Pour over the fish and add the Bay leaves. Cover

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Cayenne pepper ...

Mix the ingredients for the marinade and whip it easily. Put pieces of meat in a deep Bowl and pour marinade over. Cover it and let it soak for 24 hours in refrigerator. Take the meat out of the refrigerator about half an hour before it will be used. Set pi

Soups Salt Cayenne pepper Lemon juice thereof ...

Lentils and potatoes are cooked in broth until tender. Are blended. Tomato paste mixed with a bit of broth and poured in along with the rest of the ingredients. Season with lemon and cayenne pepper.

Sides Cayenne pepper Shallots or lemon juice Danish caviar ...

Caviar is stirred in lindt butter. Can taste it to with a little finely chopped shallots or with lemon juice and cayenne pepper Tips: Suitable for all fish.

Mains (væden poured from) Wheat flour Salt ...

Take the skin off of chicken thighs. Boil the broth, add all pepper varieties. Put the chicken parts in and cook on a low heat, covered, for about 10 minutes. Rinse and cut purløgen rough. Emphasis is in the pot and boil another 10 minutes. Pour the juice from

Mains Bananas sliced and sprinkled with lemon Chutney Desiccated coconut ...

Share the chicken into smaller pieces and remove the skin. Arrow onions and garlic and cut them in slices. Cut the peppers into strips. Heat oil in a saucepan or Saute pan and came the onion, garlic and all the spices down in the oil. Saute stirring occasional