Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Soups Fresh thyme Pepper Salt ...

The day before: Chopsticks, bacon, legumes and fresh thyme are boiled with salt and vegetable stew in the 5 liters of water. The meat is taken up as it is cooked tenderly. The soup is poured, the pot is cleaned and the soup poured back into the pan. The mi

Mains Wheat flour as needed Oil for frying Jerusalem artichokes ...

Peel the root vegetables and tear them on a grater. Mix the crushed root vegetables with flour until the mixture is so firm that you can form 5 big voices out of them. Step them on the forehead until they are golden. Put them in a fireproof dish. Put a sli

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Step onion and meat in the oil. Tear the carrots and put them in. Let it simmer for a few minutes. Chop the jalapenos fine and step with. Then bring the chilli and tomato puree in and let it fry quite briefly, stirring. Finally, the chopped tomatoes and the wa

Salads Polish mayo (miraclewhip can be used if mixed up with a little sour cream) Apple Peas ...

Chop, cut and mix together. Add only a little mayo at a time otherwise it will be too much of the good. Eat the salad for white bread with ham.

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Cut carrots and squash into edible slices so they are ready. Pour the pasta into a saucepan add water and salt, let it boil approx. 7 min. Bring the oil on a pan and season squash and carrots until golden, then dry with the thyme and stir it together for

Soups Bouillon Chopped chili Onion ...

The chopped onion and chilli are lightly sliced. Boullion potatoes carrots are added and simmer 20 min. The chopped peppers are added and boils with the last quarter. Add salt and pepper.Everything sugar.

Mains Pepper Salt Parsnip ...

The meat is cut by the bows and cut into large cubes 3-4 cm. Carrots and parsnips are peeled and cut for 3-4 cm. pieces. Onions and chilli are chopped well. Onion and meat are baked in a saucepan. Beer and boullion are added and easily skimbed. Not too muc

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Juice from one lime ...

Pour the oil into a pan. Add the meat and brown it. Chop the chilli, add it to the saucepan and let it sweat a little with the meat. Peel carrots and beetroots, tear them on the small side of the grater, add to the pan and mix well with the meat. Add the c