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Recipes with Carrots

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley (finely chopped) ...

The vegetables are washed and cooked with veal in a pan mixed with nellikker, Bay leaves, wine and as much water to cover the meat. Cook for about 2 hours and then take the meat out for cooling. Tuna sauce is prepared by mixing all the ingredients specified

Appetizers Flat-leaf parsley Pepper Salt ...

All the vegetables should be thoroughly rinsed and stems, leaves and cores should be cut off. Then the vegetables are cut out in various bars. Here are suggestions for a dip in the 2 different texture and colors. These are the same ingredients that are in b

Base recipes Pepper Salt Parsley root ...

Wash meat and bones in cold water, getting both parts in a large pot and cover with cold water. Bring it slowly to the boil and foam soup a few times. Do the vegetables and cut them into coarse cubes. Got soup and vegetables may in the soup. Boil the soup appr

Soups Basil, fresh Pepper Salt ...

Cut the bacon into small pieces which are fried crisp. Save baconet for garnish. Minced garlic and onions Sauté in oily. Add the broth, along with potatoes, carrots, peeled tomatoes together with the spices. Cook until the vegetables are tender. It all b

Mains Good bread Garlic Pepper ...

While the duck breasts yet is letfrosne remove skin and fat. Brystfilleterne cleaned of tendons and membrane and cut into narrow strips, approximately 1 cm. Grønstsager cleaned and carrots cut into "money" thickness. The onion chopped fine Celery stalks cut

Mains Boil water Water Carrots ...

Com Neck Fillet in a saucepan with cold water, so it just covers. Bring water to a boil and foam. Cook over low heat, covered, in the 2-3 hours to the meat is tender. Tyre Neck Fillet with tin foil and let the meat rest for about 20 minutes, or let the m

Mains Bread Cashew nuts Freshly ground pepper ...

Crack the chili and remove the cores. Chop the chilli, garlic and Lemongrass just fine. Peel and grate the ginger. Mix a marinade of oil and the juice of limefrugten. Add the chili, garlic, lemon grass and ginger. Season with a little salt and fresh pepper gua

Sides Fresh thyme Olive oil Pepper ...

Peel the carrots, halve them and benefit them in an ovenproof dish. Average skalotte the onions lengthwise and chop the garlic finely. Advantage of shallots, garlic, thyme, salt and pepper over the carrots. Pour olive oil over carrots and bake them at 200 degr