Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Lots of rice peanuta pineapple into cubes or banana into slices Broccoli Mild curry paste ...

The chicken is layered in 3-4 hours. The meat through the FRY in wok and mix with the vegetables. The vegetables cut into approximately equal sized pieces. Broccoli and bell pepper in eventually otherwise it becomes something splash. When everything is done

Mains Marizena to jævning Oil for frying Pepper ...

Forcemeat is stirred with egg, onion, salt and pepper, and garlic and Add flour and a bit of water so it will have the consistency of Meatball sausage meat. Then FRY forcemeat as small meatballs in a deep sautepande in oil so they will be browned on both sides

Soups Pepper Grated carrot Salt ...

Clean the vegetables. Grate the carrots and celery roughly. Cut the onions. Sauté carrots, celery and onion in fat. Add the broth. Cook it up and let the soup boil 15 minutes until the vegetables are tender. Then came the potato flakes and milk or cream by.

Mains Trout or completely Large onion Oil or magerine ...

Pour a little oil in the bottom of a baking dish, cut 1 onion in the bottom, put the fish on the skin side came the seasoning on the fish (at my request). Remember to come good with salt/pepper to the fish. Then alternately put onions, potatoes and carrots in

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh chicken ...

Fry the chicken in a preheated oven (225 ° c) in ca. 40-50 min. cut the cabbages, carrots and chives in fine strips. Cut the paprikaen in pieces. Saute cabbage and carrots in butter for about 7-8 minutes at low heat. Then add the chives, paprika, garlic, curry

Mains Chicken White wine vinegar Onion ...

The chicken fried in a preheated oven at 180 ° c for about 75 minutes, the meat can be easily loosened from the bone, and kødsaften is ready. The potatoes peeled and scratched half into thin slices. Put the scratched side face down. Brush with fat, and sprinkl

Mains Lemon peel Pepper Salt ...

Dry the chicken pieces and brown them well on all sides in a deep pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Pour the broth, lemon juice and shell, and soy, and steam, covered, 30-40 minutes. Mark whether the meat is finished fried. Smooth if necessary. the cloud wit

Mains Apple cider vinegar Peppercorns, pink Butter ...

Peel the carrots and cut them into fine strips. Nip the peas. Give carrots and peas a rehash and cool them in cold water. Brown the chicken fillets on one side on a frying pan in butter. Turn them and add the soy sauce, vinegar and Æblecider pink pepper. Le