Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter or margarine

Mains White pepper Dried Sage Salt ...

Rinse the chicken and Pat it dry with a paper towel. Rub the chicken with salt, Sage and pepper. Put the chicken in a greased ovenproof dish, like on a grate. Advantage of fat on it. Fry the chicken in the oven at 175 degrees for about 45 minutes to the start

Mains Pepper Salt Sour cream 18% ...

Kyllingefiléterne rinse and dry them well in paper towel. Cut the meat into strips. Melt the fat on a teflon frying pan and Brown the chicken strimlede. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Take the meat from the Pan and keep it hot. Peel the carrots and cut them in

Mains Butter or margarine Chili powder Cayenne pepper ...

Set the oven at 175 degrees. Grease a roasting pan with fat. Mix the paprika, cayenne pepper, mustard powder, thyme, pepper and chili powder together. Panér chicken thighs in mixture. Place thighs in baking pan and roast them in the oven. Turn them once. Incre

Mains Paprika Chives Salt ...

The meat, flour and 1 egg mix and add salt to taste and shaped for including small balls. A baking pan greased and sprinkled with flour into the fat and dough balls are added on. FRY in three quarters in the oven at low heat. The remaining 4 egg touched off wi

Breakfast & brunch Water Butter or margarine Sugar ...

You can now and then buy English Muffins in Denmark in packages, but in the United States, you can always get them in supermarkets. You can also bake them yourself. It's a little winded, but worth the effort when it once has come to appreciate this special kin

Mains Chili powder as you like Freshly ground pepper Ginger powder ...

Came the chicken in a large pot and cover with boiling water. Com lemon juice and salt and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Remove chicken pieces and keep væden. Melt the butter in another large pan and sauté the onions in it for about 10 minutes. Com 2 dl. of væ

Mains Salt Whole peppercorns Garlic ...

Rub the steaks with coarsely crushed pepper. Clean the herbs and chop them finely. HK the onion finely and strain the garlic. Mix the soft fat with herbs, onions and garlic. Let it congeal in the refrigerator. Brown fat in the Pan and fry the steaks 2 ½-4 min.

Lunch Dill Capers Parsley ...

Butter the bread, cover it with chopped vegetables (parsley, dill, chives) Roll the fillet together and put it on the bread. Came a raw egg yolk in the middle. Garnish with capers around the herring, a dill sprig in the egg and a lettuce leaf on the plate.