Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter or margarine

Cakes Cardamom Eggs Cinnamon ...

The milk and dissolve the yeast that lunes, however, must not be warmed with. Wheat flour and the other ingredients kneaded in a uniform dough, which raises to double in size in a warm place, covered. The dough is divided into 2 equal parts, which is shaped

Cakes Coarsely chopped almonds Tesukker Egg white ...

Fat and flour is ground together. The eggs in which the yeast has dissolved, add together with the sugar. The dough is kneaded together quickly. Raises the bar on a not too hot place in approximately 20 minutes. Scrolling through a long, ca. 10 cm. wide rib

Mains White pepper Potatoes, peas and carrots. cucumber salad is also great for Salt ...

Scrape the meat with a knife and dry it with paper towels. Brown fat in a large frying pan. Put the meat in and let it get color. Turn the meat and let it be Brown on all sides. Sprinkle salt and pepper on and pour water on the roast. Add ½ broth cube. Let t

Cakes in form Water Baking soda Butter or margarine ...

Mix the flour-baking powder-vanilla sugar-sugar in a bowl. Make a recess in the middle and came soft fat-water-eggs in the recess. Beat the dough together with a hand mixer until it is mixed well. Got batter into a small buttered baking pan. Baking time: 15

Cakes Green food coloring at will Butter for greasing of baking pan Baking soda dissolved in 1 dl water ...

Sugar and butter is stirred white, eggs are added one at a time, and then flour and stir into the dough at the wetness shift. The batter is poured into a greased baking pan and bake at 200 gr in about 30 mins Cake decorating with pålægschokolade which can t

Appetizers Lemon juice Dill or watercress Pepper ...

Remove skin and bones from the salmon and cut it into small pieces. Chop or mash fish flesh. Put husblasen to soak in cold water. Melt the fat in a pan and rear up with the flour and white wine. Cook thoroughly. Taste the sauce with lemon juice, salt and pep

Mains Tarragon White pepper French mustard ...

Chicken pieces dry in paper towel. Arrow and chop the onion finely. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Brown the chicken pieces into the fat and seasoned with salt and pepper. Onions and mushrooms mixed in with the chicken and FRY for a few minute

Cakes Egg white (1 teaspoon of egg yolk mixed with 1 tsp. water) Icing Grated must of ¼ lemon ...

Dissolve the yeast, milk lunes, which however must not be warmed with wheat flour and the other ingredients kneaded in a uniform dough, which raises to double in size in a warm place, covered. Take a quarter of the dough, knead the rest from and turn it up