Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Lamb Pepper Salt Cherry tomatoes ...

Bring the scrambled rinsed potatoes into an ovenproof dish and sprinkle salt and pepper. Sprinkle with oil and put the dish in the oven at 225 degrees C for 30 minutes. Place the tomatoes in the dish in the last quarter of the oven time. Season the chops with

Lamb Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices of approx. 0.5 cm. Arrow and chop the garlics. Put the sliced ​​potatoes in a greased oven dish or frying pan. Crush the tomatoes with a fork and mix them with the potatoes with salt, pepper, garlic and chopped parsle

Sauces Peeled chopped tomatoes Large zitauerløg Bacon, diced ...

Bacon and onions cut into the tern. Swab into the grease and the pan is taken from the heat. Pepper the paprika, broth is poured and the pan is put on the heat again. Tomato concentrate is added. Sauce the boil through for 10 min. By low heat. The sauce may

Mains Pepper Salt Marjoram or oregano ...

Put the sliced ​​potatoes in an ovenproof dish and sprinkle salt, pepper and parsley. Rub the calves with spices and put it on the potatoes. Distribute butter biscuits on the steps and pour broth on. Place the dish in the oven at 175 degrees C for 40-45 minute

Mains A few sprigs of thyme Pepper Salt ...

Divide the chicken into pieces of pieces. Melt the butter golden and shake the bacon pieces light brown. Then brown the chicken pieces. Take them out of the pan and season the onions. Bring the meat back into the pan and add carrots and potatoes. Pour the wine

Mains Freshly ground white pepper Freshly ground pepper Lasagne sheets ...

The onions are chopped and the carrots are peeled and torn. The bacon is chopped fine. Chopped the chopped meat with a little oil together with onions, carrots and crushed garlic and add the red wine. Add the bouillon and tomato paste and cook the sauce a litt

Soups White pepper Salt Turmeric ...

Carrots, pears and potatoes are made and cut into thin slices. They are put into the grease in a saucepan. The turmeric is sprinkled and the broth is added. The soup is cooked by low heat until the vegetables are tender (about 20 min) The pot is taken from

Mains Fresh chili Oil Red bell pepper ...

Chop the pepper and chili very nicely - like chopped parsley. Tear the ginger. Stir the meat with pepper, chilli and ginger and crushed garlic. Add vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, salt and pepper. Form the dad to 16 small elongated or round fry plates. Heat the