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Recipes with Bread

Cakes in form Lemon Sweetener Vanilleessens ...

Boil the apple in a little lemon juice and taste it with sweetener. Then put in a refractory dish. Mix the cooked rice with sweetener, vanilla sauce and 2 egg yolks. Whip the egg whites stiff and mix them in. The mixture is then laid on the apple cream which l

Lunch Bread Forsne thawed shrimp Eggs ...

4 cocotteformed brushes thin with oil and the shrimps are distributed at the bottom. 1 egg is poured out in each form. 1 tablespoon of milk poured over each egg. Place in the oven approx. 15 min. At 175 degrees.

Buffets Bread Cress Oil ...

Boil the chicken meat in a pan of lightly salted water until it is tender. Cool the meat and peel it into suitable pieces. The mushrooms are cut into pieces and shaken in a little oil on a hot pan, season with salt and pepper. Dip asparagus into a door layer.

Mains Bread Sour cream Guacamole ...

Grate onions and beans to the meatballs and chop jalapenos well. Mix all the ingredients of the meatballs thoroughly and form the meatballs. Chop the onions to the beans roughly and sauté them in olive oil, together with the cumin sauce. Chop the garlic and

Appetizers Vinegar Chopped dill Oil ...

The salmon, minarine, cultura and chopped dill are mixed and seasoned with salt and pepper. The cooked pasta, asparagus in small pieces, cucumber and cherry tomatoes are mixed together and the dressing that is tasted poured over pasta salad. Served hereafte

Lunch Watercress Salt Bread ...

The salmon and beets are cut into small pieces and served with cold boiled beans and asparagus cut into small pieces. Put on the plate some lettuce leaves and bread, after which all the ingredients are mixed quite easily. Finally pour the dressing over.

Mains Bread A little cayenne pepper Nykogte carrots ...

Blend the fish meat with tomato puree until it's just even. Stir cream and egg in and season with spices. Brush small portions well with melted butter, and benefit the father in it. Put the molds in a water bath and bag them in a preheated oven at 170 ° for ap

Appetizers Pepper Taco/chili sauce Yellow bell peppers (divided into 16 cubes) ...

The yogurt is stirred with masala. The fish is cut into 2½ x 2½ cm cubes and turned into the yogurt. Marinated in refrigerator approx. 20 min. The fish is drained in a sieve. Put fish and vegetables on spears and put in a greased pan. Dip with butter and sprin